Exploring the fascinating intersection of security, technology, and humans.
Unsupervised LearningTehran, Iran
mjasec's Following
- 0xSojalSecINTERNET
- 0xZDH
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- byt3bl33d3rProtectAI
- CgboalOnSecurity
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- instagibbHobart
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- markpash@Isovalent @cilium
- maurosoriaArgentina
- netbiosXPentestLab
- orwagodfather
- osamahamadIndependent
- preethamb97Bangalore, IN
- reconnessMiami, FL
- Rhynorater@BBAC
- ruevaughn@xtiri
- sdrasGoogle
- SecKC
- SerenityOS
- sslthe netherlands
- tjdevries
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- vin01
- wireghoulMelbourne, Australia
- zaerald