
yet another crystal kernel, inspired by ffwff/lilith

Primary LanguageCrystal

Crystal Kernel

Extending on the work started with https://github.com/ffwff/lilith/


  • this kernel is designed to work with BOOTBOOT to keep the boot process simple


The kernel is expected to be a standard ELF executable

  • BOOTBOOT expects a single loadable segment
  • Internally virtual segments are maintained and 4kb aligned - for paging protection
  • the entry point takes no params and returns void
  • boot and machine information is provided at a specific location by BOOTBOOT

to build run ./build.sh

Development on macOS

Install some base tools

brew install crystal
brew install qemu
brew install gdb

Download the UEFI BIOS, extract using something like 7zip to get

  • OVMF-pure-efi.fd for x64
  • QEMU_EFI-pflash.raw for aarch64

Running the kernel using QEMU

build the kernel


Can run the VM in a few different ways

  • View the VM using VNC
    • qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu qemu64 -bios ../OVMF-pure-x64-efi.fd -drive file=./disk.cdr,if=ide -display vnc=
    • connect to it using localhost (uses default port)
  • With GDB debugging support:
    • qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu qemu64 -bios ../OVMF-pure-x64-efi.fd -drive file=./disk.cdr,if=ide -display vnc= -s -S
    • it waits for GDB to connect before starting
  • Mutli-core:
    • qemu-system-x86_64 -cpu qemu64 -m 128M -bios ../OVMF-pure-x64-efi.fd -drive file=./disk.cdr,if=ide -display vnc= -smp "sockets=1,cores=2"
file ./bin/bootboot/X86_64
target remote tcp::1234

Inspecting the ELF file output

To check for bootboot compatibility

  • ./mkbootimg check bin/bootboot/X86_64