Build Tools



In this task you are going to create the same application as in Maven module, but with Gradle build tool.

Task 1

  1. After Gradle installation make sure that you have 'gradle' package with wrapper inside;
  2. Open root settings.gradle file and add two modules: utils, demo.

Task 2

Custom jar utils-1.3.5.jar will be created with the following instructions:

  • The jar should contain class StringUtils with method boolean isPositiveNumber(String str).
  • Apache Commons Lang 3.10 library is used to implement this method.
  1. Open build.gradle in 'utils' and fill it with proper group, version and delete comments with proper implementation
plugins {
    // id for library
    // id for maven to publish jar to local repository

java {
// provide sourceCompatibility

repositories {
// provide repository, where required dependencies are located

publishing {
    publications {
        maven(MavenPublication) {
// provide groupId
// provide artifactId
// provide version


//add Apache Apache Commons Lang 3.10 (or higher) dependency

jar {
    manifest {
        //provide manifest with such attributes as 'Implementation-Title', 'Implementation-Version'
  1. Implement method in StringUtils.class:
public class StringUtils {
    public static boolean isPositiveNumber(String str) {
        //here magic will happen

Task 3

Now we will use the created util class:

  1. Open build.gradle in 'demo' and fill in group, version, repositories and required dependency;

  2. Provide required implementation:

public class Utils {
    public static boolean isAllPositiveNumbers(List<String> args) {
       //magic happens here

Task 4

Make sure that application passes all test suits.