I'm trying to move from a single container running gitlab, to 3 containers. One running gitlab, one the postgresql and one the redis container.


The new gitlab system needs to have all the data and files of the current single container gitlab system.

Open up terminal

git clone git@github.com:mjdavies/gitlab_test.git
cd gitlab_test
docker swarm init
docker stack deploy -c single-stack.yml git

Wait a couple of minutes, you should now have a running gitlab instance. Go and create a password, a project, and a wiki page at http://localhost/

Stop and remove the stack, and start it again with the multi-stack.yml file

docker stack rm git
docker stack deploy -c multi-stack.yml git

Wait a couple of minutes, you should now have a running gitlab instance. Browse to http://localhost

I would expect at this point to be looking at the same database that we setup in the single-stack system, as we're pointing at the same postgresql folder on the local filesystem, but I don't see tha.

Sometimes I see a blank database, and need to create it all again. Sometimes I get erros from the system saying that the tables don't exist.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong with the volume mounts? Or is this not possible and I need to do this in a different way, maybe export the database from the single container first, then import it?