Windows utility for generating rule/hash-based p(refix)|r(oo)t|(suffi)x shorthand accessed by holding Space
the mapping of single letters to prefixes and suffixes are found in shorthand/_3x10_prefix_suffix.json
Clone the repo in powershell
git clone
cd into the repo
cd wordshrink
create a virtual environment, activate it, and install requirments.txt
virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirments.txt
run python shorthand\
to generate the prefix|root|suffix list of all 7 letters or longer english 50k words from
TODO: create command line options to adjust these parameters, like root word length (3 letters minus vowels)
run python
in powershell to start shrinking words via holding Space and stacking letters into a stroke,
semicolon (;
) is a prefix and suffix delineator on press and release, ex. unimportantly == ui;⬇️prt⬆️ty