
PearVC x OpenAI hackathon

Primary LanguagePerl

Donna - your badass AI Secretary

Donna screens your calls, rejecting the spam and preserving your sanity by sending callers your scheduling / Calendly link when you're busy. Using the latest Realtime API from OpenAI in conjunction with function calling to Google Calendar and Twilio, Donna knows when you're busy in real time and can handle multiple callers at once in 85 different languages!


Monorepo Stack:

  • FastAPI backend written in Python
    • processes phone calls and audio streaming between both Twilio and OpenAI usings websockets
    • powers both inbound and outbound calls to and from Donna
    • reads from Google Calendar
    • sends scheduling text messages
    • reports live call status
  • Next.js frontend written in Typescript
    • /status page that visualizes calls in real-time
    • integration with EdgeDB to handle user preferences and (in the future) semantic searching over previous conversations

Screen Recording 2024-10-13 at 1 55 01 AM

Running the apps

.env file:

TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=   ←dedicated Twilio number
HARVEY_PHONE_NUMBER=   ←your cell phone
STREAM_URL=            ←backend websockets URL
CALENDLY_URL=          ←meeting scheduling link of your choice

You'll need a dedicated Twilio phone number and to either deploy the server or run it locally through a tunnel (ie via ngrok) to expose the API to Twilio. We used Poetry to handle Python dependencies on the backend and pnpm for the frontend.

  1. clone the repo
  2. cd frontend
  3. pnpm install && pnpm dev to start the frontend
  4. navigate to localhost:3000/status to view the live status page
  5. cd ../backend
  6. poetry install
  7. poetry shell now, you can run our custom scripts:
    • f or format to run Ruff formatting
    • l or lint to run Mypy and Ruff linting
    • fl to run both
    • dev to start the dev server
  8. call Donna!