
OpenClassrooms student project. Python app to manage chess tournaments.

Primary LanguagePython

tournament_manager tournaments manager

Marie Jeammet - v1.0 - 2021/08.

Contact : marie.jeammet@protonmail.com


Offline tool for tournaments management. Answers to commandline input.

This project using Python 3.6.9 and tinydb version 4.5.1


Cloning the project

Clone project the project to desired location:

$ git clone https://github.com/mjeammet/OC_P4.git

Setting the environment

In the project's directory, create and activate the environment:

$ python3 -m venv env

$ source env/bin/activate

and install required packages with:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Once you've activated your environment and made sure all required packages are correctly set up, go and run:

$ python main.py

Follow textual instructions on the screen to

  • Add players and tournaments to database
  • Add players to tournament
  • Starts a new round and add round results
  • Prints reports on players, tournaments, rounds and matches

To navigate, simply enter the number corresponding to your next desired action.


flake8 was used in this projet to make sure PEP 8 recommandations where followed.

To generate a new report :

$ flake8 --format=html --htmldir=flake8_rapport --max-line-length 119 --exclude env,__pycache__,__init__.py