Rollup plugin to add license banner to the final bundle and output third party licenses
- 4
compability for vite 5
#1655 opened by d-koppenhagen - 3
- 5
- 2
Regression in v3.5.1
#1753 opened by fisker - 2
[Feature Request] Upgrade glob to latest version
#1747 opened by alyoung1621 - 7
- 2
Deprecated dependencies not getting updated
#1738 opened by cotes2020 - 2
Error when enabling multipleVersions
#1682 opened by mitar - 4
Read also NOTICE file from the repository, as used/required by the Apache 2.0 license
#1683 opened by mitar - 10
- 5
- 0
Support also REUSE organized licenses
#1684 opened by mitar - 2
package not included in dependencies file
#1645 opened by waruyama - 1
[Enhancement] Compatible with rollup `4.x`
#1589 opened by cotes2020 - 1
Output of thirdParty only contains a single dependency
#1361 opened by SlexAxton - 6
How to use with nuxt 3?
#1261 opened by jojomatik - 1
Error if license file is a directory
#1230 opened by MichaelKowal - 6
Error while trying to use with astro
#1201 opened by oliwierzgorniak - 2
- 1
Relax production dependency versions
#1128 opened by Havunen - 3
A security question, please help to check
#1077 opened by drawcall - 1
Type definition not in dist
#791 opened by josh-hemphill - 4
Hi, can we please have new release?
#736 opened by Havunen - 1
- 6
Problem with Stencil license
#553 opened by Jagget - 3
- 8
- 3
Consider using minor semver changes for releases
#429 opened by jharris4 - 1
- 4
The license of an external package is not included
#440 opened by scola84 - 4
- 14
/** vs /*! multiline comment style
#308 opened by revelt - 8
Suggestion: Add ability to paste LICENSE.* files into third-party dependencies file
#379 opened by lukastaegert - 3
- 3
- 5
Suggestion: Use tree-shaking information when generating third party dependencies
#380 opened by lukastaegert - 7
Cannot find module 'package.json'
#1 opened by ntrrgc - 4
- 3
Specify a path to package.json?
#226 opened by slavafomin - 2
Add Git commit hash to the banner?
#225 opened by slavafomin - 0
Version 10 of node.js has been released
#201 opened by greenkeeper - 1
- 1
Use Semantic Versioning
#11 opened - 1
#10 opened - 4
DocBlocks for Licenses
#5 opened