
Classpath support for Maven Projects

Primary LanguageJava

I forked this to allow the maven classpath plugin to continue working with later versions of Fitnesse.

Tested with fitnesse v20180127.

1. Introduction.

    FitNesse plugin that provides Maven Classpath support.

2. How to use.

    - Download the distribution.
    - Get yourself an up-to-date copy of fitnesse (> 20110601)
    - Add the following line to plugins.properties: SymbolTypes = fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.MavenClasspathSymbolType.
    - Refer to the pom file as follows: !pomFile /path/to/pom.xml.
    - you can define the file as pom.xml@compile to include a specific scope.

    For v20101101 and earlier:
    - Download the 1.2 distribution.
    - Add the following line to plugins.properties: WikiWidgets = fitnesse.wikitext.widgets.MavenClasspathWidget.
    - Copy the maven-classpath-plugin-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar to the plugins directory of the directory where the fitnesse.jar is located.
    - Start FitNesse: java -jar fitnesse.jar
    - Refer to the pom file as follows: !pomFile /path/to/pom.xml.
    - The plugin will use the test classpath from the pom as classpath in FitNesse.
	** Releases prior to v20091121:
    - Run fitnesse as follows: java -cp fitnesse.jar:plugins/maven-classpath-plugin-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar fitnesseMain.FitNesseMain. (**)

3. How to contribute.

    - Send patches.
    - Fork the repository and send pull requests.