Funiq (fuzzy uniq) is a command line tool for performing fuzzy string matching against lists of words. To compile, clone the source and run make at the project's root; the funiq binary will be compiled to the bin/ directory.
As an example, consider the file test.txt:
The Fellowship of The Ring
the fellowship ofteh reing
The Flopship of the Rung
Felloship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Twin Towers
the towers
The Return of the King
Return of the King
Teh return of theking
Running funiq on this list and telling it to ignore casing (-i) and non-alphanumeric characters (-I)
$ funiq -iI test.txt
Results in:
Felloship of the Ring
The Fellowship of The Ring
The Flopship of the Rung
The Return of the King
The Two Towers
Which is ok, but it hasn't produced the desired results with The Fellowship of the Ring. Using the -d option, we can increase the threshold at which matches are considered (default is 3):
$ funiq -iI -d 4 test.txt
The Fellowship of The Ring
The Return of the King
The Two Towers
Which is what we were looking for.
Funiq can read from a file or have its input piped from stdin.
bin/funiq [-I] [-c] [-a] [-i] [-d <number>] [-m <levenshtein
|normalized-levenshtein>] [--] [--version] [-h] <filename>
-I, --ignore-non-alpha-numeric
When active, non-alphanumeric characters do not contribute to edit
-c, --show-counts
Precede each output line with the count of the number of times the
line occurred in the input, followed by a single space.
-a, --show-all
Will show all found duplicates
-i, --case-insensitive
When active, case differences do not contribute to distance between
-d <number>, --distance <number>
Maximum distance threshold between two strings to be considered
For the default Levenshtein comparison method, it is the maximum edit
distance allowed for two strings to be considered duplicates.
For the Normalized Levenshtein comparison method, it is a number
between 0.0 and 1.0 representing 0% and 100% similarity respectively.
-m <levenshtein|normalized-levenshtein>, --method <levenshtein
The method used to compare similarity of strings. Defaults to
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
File to read. If omitted will read from stdin.
funiq - Fuzzy Unique Filtering
You will need the GNU compiler collection installed, along with the make build tool. Clone the project, and run
in the project directory. The test project should compile and run, followed by the funiq
tool itself. The compiled binary is placed in bin/funiq