
This is my personal website built with blogdown

Primary LanguageHTML

martin frigaard dot eye oh

Table of Contents



This is the Github repo for my personal website. I built this website in RStudio with blogdown using the Hugo academic theme and Netlify.

Read more about the Academic theme in the documentation.


I created this website following the excellent Twitter thread by Dan Quintana. I've included information anywhere the directions from the Twitter thread were incomplete, incorrect, or outdated.

Getting started

All of these steps were done using R/RStudio, Github, and Netlify

  • Technology requirements:
    • Download and install RStudio
    • Download and install R
    • Create a Netlify account

1) Create a new RStudio Project

Install blogdown in R using this command:


Then start a new project, entering “gcushen/hugo-academic” as the Hugo theme. Keep the other options ticked. This will download all the necessary files. pic.twitter.com/kq6yhgxPSG

— Dan Quintana (@dsquintana) June 15, 2019
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Run the following code to install blogdown (also make sure you have Hugo installed).

blogdown::install_hugo(force = TRUE)

Serve site

Run the following command to build your website in RStudio:


==> Found hugo at "/Users/mjfrigaard/Library/Application Support/Hugo/0.80.0/hugo" 
and "/usr/local/bin/hugo". The former will be used. 

If you don't need both copies, you may delete/uninstall the latter with 
system("brew uninstall hugo") in R.

Launching the server via the command:
  /Users/mjfrigaard/Library/Application Support/Hugo/0.80.0/hugo server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t starter-academic -D -F --navigateToChanged
Serving the directory . at http://localhost:4321
Launched the hugo server in the background (process ID: 23676). To stop it, call 
blogdown::stop_server() or restart the R session.

Changing the title of your website

Let’s start by changing the title of your website, which can be edited in the "config.toml" file. To edit this file, and the others that are referred to in this guide, just select it in the RStudio file browser. pic.twitter.com/IgfSCxxZeH

— Dan Quintana (@dsquintana) June 15, 2019
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

The name of this website is martinfrigaard.io