
Play Tafl, an old two-player Nordic board game.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Play Hnefatafl in the browser.


- Attackers may capture the King against the side of the board.
- Attackers may capture the King against the side of the board and a refuge.
- Attackers nor defenders may repeat their previous two moves.
- Attackers may achieve victory by totally surrounding the defenders.

- Players may switch the starting team by clicking the team name only when no
  moves have already been made.
- Players may start a new game from a variety of different boards.
- Start a multiplayer game (see: Multiplayer).

- Avoid changing turn state when victory has been achieved.

[User experience]
- Display message once victory or defeat is achieved.
- Written explanation of rules and objectives.
- Visual explanation of rules and objectives by rendering small example boards
  that repeat the sequence of moves infinitely.
- Display the last performed move by drawing an arrow from A to B.
- Render a shadowed-out surrounding area for the board that is for display
  purposes only.

- Enable multiplayer via WebRTC.