
Emacs minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven Development in Ruby

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


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Emacs minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven Development in Ruby.


ruby-test-mode comes with some default keybindings:

C-c C-t n
C-c C-t C-n
Run the current buffer’s file as an unit test or an rspec example.
C-c C-t t
C-c C-t C-t
Runs the unit test or rspec example at the current buffer’s point.
C-c C-t r
C-c C-t C-r
Reruns the last unit test or rspec example.
C-c C-sToggle between implementation and test/example files.


Copyright © 2009-2016 Florian Ebeling, r0man

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.