
fast way to recover a ubuntu working environment: vim + tmux + zsh, with mini-tutorial

Primary LanguageShell


  • fast way to recover a ubuntu working environment: vim + tmux + zsh (never be afraid of configing a new account)
  • install
    • sudo apt-get install vim tmux zsh
    • bash installWorkingEnv.sh
    • sudo chsh --shell=/bin/zsh <userName> # set zsh as default


  • install vundle, which manage all the plugins
    • 'vimwiki/vimwiki' 'scrooloose/nerdtree' 'tpope/vim-fugitive' 'VimIM' 'ervandew/supertab' 'rdnetto/ycm-generator' 'valloric/youcompleteme' 'luochen1990/rainbow' 'mrtazz/simplenote.vim' 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
    • find your own plugins in: https://vimawesome.com/.
  • commands you must know:
    • :q quit current tab; :wq save and quit; :q! leave without saving
    • :tabnew open another empty tab
  • shortcuts you must know:
    • jump among tabs: gt/gT next/previous tab
    • jump in file: <ctrl> u / d half-page scroll up / down; gg / G goto head / end of the file
    • goto / leave the insert mode: i / <Esc>
    • first step to master vim: run vimtutor in terminal (not in vim).


  • change the <bind key> from <ctrl>+b to <alt>+m (easier for me)
  • set to vi mode (can search / scroll / move use vi shortcuts)
  • shortcuts you must know:
    • <bind key> + c/x create/delete new session
    • <bind key> + <session index> / l jump to specific / previous session
    • <bind key> + d detach from the current sessions. Attach the existing sessions: tmux attach


  • use a custome-built scheme based on "kphoen" with 2-line layout, like:
(virtual / conda env)<userName>@<machineName>:<pwd, could be very long path> | <git_branch>           <git status>
% <command>


  • shortcuts you must know:    - <ctrl><shift>+t open a new tab
    • <alt>+1/2/3... select the 1st/2nd/3rd/... tab
    • F11 turn on/off full screen mode