This is the first "serious" application I have ever done! I programmed it probably in 2004 as a school project. Here is what I wrote about it at that time:
This program simulates life of one uknown family. The members of family can die, bear children and get married. The game is over after dead of the last genus of family.
I added this application mainly for myself. There is really nothing special about it. Code is of course quite bad (yes, I used even GOTOs! ;)), is written (as a whole app) in Czech, etc.
I was sane enough in 2004 to admit it:
This is my first complete program and I got a lot of experiences when I was programming it.
I know about lot of problems, but average user won’t detect them. The problems are in program’s structure and in code. But I believe I have done a good work.
But there is one thing I remember I enjoyed back then, and still now: This program is completely useless!
You really just enter some initial configuration of a family and then by hitting some key program moves to other iteration, which means some random actions like weddings, accidents, etc. are performed.
Application was written for Borland Turbo Pascal.
This is probably the most interesting part of this document. How to run such program under Linux now? I did some small changes to make it work under FreePascal. Compilation can be done like this:
fpc -MTP ZIVOT.PAS -ozivot
(There is also Makefile for that.)
Unfortunately, I used non-standard part of ASCII to draw console graphics, that is not compatible with modern Unicode terminals.
I tried to port it (see branch fpc_port
), but then I found out that
FreePascal CRT unit
does not support UTF-8.
So only option is to run it in terminal with correct encoding. "The most correct" encoding is CP-437. There is also program called luit that should done the conversion, but it did not work for me.
Luckily, Gnome Terminal supports compatible encoding Hebrew IBM862
Here is a tutorial how to set it up:
So, here are two screenshots of this awesome program running in Gnome Terminal! ;)