
End-to-end, automatic face swapping pipeline

Primary LanguageC++

End-to-end, automatic face swapping pipeline

alt text The Joker (Heath Ledger) swapped using our method onto very different subjects and images.

Yuval Nirkin, Iacopo Masi, Anh Tuan Tran, Tal Hassner, and Gerard Medioni.


Code for the automatic, image-to-image face swapping method described in the paper:

Yuval Nirkin, Iacopo Masi, Anh Tuan Tran, Tal Hassner, Gerard Medioni, "On Face Segmentation, Face Swapping, and Face Perception", arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.06729, 22 Apr 2017

Please see project page for more details, more resources and updates on this project.

If you find this code useful, please make sure to cite our paper in your work.


Library Minimum Version Notes
Boost 1.47
OpenCV 3.0
find_face_landmarks 1.1
face_segmentation 0.9
Caffe 1.0 ☕️
Eigen 3.0.0
GLEW 2.0.0
Qt 5.4.0
HDF5 1.8.18


  • Use CMake and your favorite compiler to build and install the library.
  • Download the landmarks model file and extract to "data" in the installation directory.
  • Download the face_seg_fcn8s.zip and extract to "data" in the installation directory.
  • Download the 3dmm_cnn_resnet_101.zip and extract to "data" in the installation directory.
  • Add face_swap/bin to path.


  • For using the library's C++ interface, please take a look at the Doxygen generated documentation.
  • For running the segmentation on a pair of images, it's best to first create a configuration file because of the large number of parameters. For this example create a configuration file "test.cfg" under "bin" in the installation directory with the following parameters:
landmarks = ../data/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat       # path to landmarks model file
model_3dmm_h5 = ../data/BaselFaceModel_mod_wForehead_noEars.h5  # path to 3DMM file (.h5)
model_3dmm_dat = ../data/BaselFace.dat                          # path to 3DMM file (.dat)
reg_model = ../data/3dmm_cnn_resnet_101.caffemodel              # path to 3DMM regression CNN model file (.caffemodel)
reg_deploy = ../data/3dmm_cnn_resnet_101_deploy.prototxt        # path to 3DMM regression CNN deploy file (.prototxt)
reg_mean = ../data/3dmm_cnn_resnet_101_mean.binaryproto         # path to 3DMM regression CNN mean file (.binaryproto)
seg_model = ../data/face_seg_fcn8s.caffemodel                   # path to face segmentation CNN model file (.caffemodel)
seg_deploy = ../data/face_seg_fcn8s_deploy.prototxt             # path to face segmentation CNN deploy file (.prototxt)
generic = 0                                 # use generic mode (disable shape regression)
expressions = 1                             # use expression regression
gpu = 1                                     # toggle GPU / CPU
gpu_id = 0                                  # GPU's device id
verbose = 1                                 # 1 = before blend image, 2 += projected meshes, 3 += landmarks, 4 += meshes ply
input = ../data/images/brad_pitt_01.jpg     # source image
input = ../data/images/bruce_willis_01.jpg  # target image
output = out.jpg                            # output image or directory

Now run the following commands:

cd path/to/face_swap/bin
face_swap_image --cfg test.cfg
  • For running the segmentation on a list of images, prepare a csv file in which each line contains the paths to a pair of images, separated by a comma. For this example create a file "img_list.csv" like the following:

Replace the input and output parameters from "test.cfg" with the following:

log = test.log                              # path to log file
input = img_list.csv                        # list file or directory
output = .                                  # output directory

Now run the following commands:

cd path/to/face_swap/bin
face_swap_batch --cfg test.cfg
  • It's also possible to run on entire image directories. In that case all possible pairs will be processed. Just specify a directory in the input parameter for face_swap_batch.

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Copyright 2017, Yuval Nirkin, Iacopo Masi, Anh Tuan Tran, Tal Hassner, and Gerard Medioni

The SOFTWARE provided in this page is provided "as is", without any guarantee made as to its suitability or fitness for any particular use. It may contain bugs, so use of this tool is at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any damage of any sort that may unintentionally be caused through its use.