
A 3D raytracer utilising SFML

Primary LanguageC++


A 3D raytracer utilising SFML


A simple 3D raytracer which uses the SFML library as a window manager/drawing utility. Each rendering pixel fires a ray toward the scene, the colour of the pixel is then calculated based on the geometry of the scene with shading applied to the geometry.


  • Support for multiple lights and objects with custom material parameters.

  • Supports parametric geometry. New geometry can be easily defined by inheriting the base class and specifying algorithms for ray intersection and normal calculation.

  • Camera supports perspective projection with real time adjustable field of view. Camera uses quaternion based rotation combined with real time movement for first person controls.


Standard W,A,S,D controls apply for translational movement, with R,F controlling up/downwards movement.

To look around, hold down LMB and drag the mouse.

To adjust field of view, hold down RMB and drag the mouse up/down.


This is a casual side project which I'll be adding to in the future. More features will come in time.