
Docker setup to spin up a salt master and two minions for development and testing environment

Primary LanguagePython

Demo Salt Stack

Docker setup to spin up a salt master and two minions for development and testing environment

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Docker Salt Stack requires the following:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Installation and Setup

Install Docker CE

Installation is straight forward, but vaires by OS.

Detail instructions for each OS can be found here.

Install Docker Compose

Installation is straight forward, but vaires by OS.

Detail instructions for each OS can be found here.

Clone the Docker Saltstack repository

Clone with SSH

git clone git@github.com:sajalshres/docker-saltstack.git

Clone with HTTPS

git clone https://github.com/sajalshres/docker-saltstack.git

Start the Docker Saltstack

Open a terminal session and change directory to docker-saltstack repository and run:

docker-compose up -d

Stop the Docker Saltstack

When you're finished, you can stop the containser with:

docker-compose stop

This command will stop the containser, but will preserver the data they've stored. If you want to completely wipe out the stored data, run:

docker-compose down

Enter the bash of Salt Master:

docker-compose exec salt-master bash

Execute Command from Master :

Accept all the keys of minions

salt-key -A

Ping all the minion machines

salt '*' test.ping

Update Image:

To pull the latest image, run(With the containers stopped):

docker-compose pull


  • Sajal Shrestha - Initial work