
A collection of programs to solve Project Euler exercises written in Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojure

daffodil-2 v0.0.9

A collection of programs, written in Clojure, designed to efficiently find solutions to Project Euler exercises. The current version number (i.e. 0.0.3) reflects the problem that I am currently working. As the number increases, the tens place will occupy the second versioning digit. (i.e. version 0.1.1 would reflect working on exercise 11.)

Current status

  • Problem 1: Complete
  • Problem 2: Complete
  • Problem 3: "Just one more thing!" away from completion, see header comments in problem3.clj for a description of the project and its progress
  • Problem 4: Complete
  • Problem 5: Complete
  • Problem 6: Complete
  • Problem 7: Solved/Partial Implementation
  • Problem 8: Complete
  • Problem 9: In progress


Look at the code, play with it in a REPL, try to break things, whatever your heart desires. I try to thorougly document all functions I write, so if you happen to find the clarity or accuracy of my docstrings lacking, please let me know! I appreciate constructive feedback and criticism.