
Mike's git reference

MIT LicenseMIT

git cheat-sheet

Based on notes from Advanced Git.


  • git config [--global] core.editor "code --wait": Set text editor
  • git config [--global] rerere.enabled true: Replay previously seen conflict resolution (helpful for long rebases)
  • git config [--global] branch.<branch>.rebase true: always rebase branch instead of merging
  • git config [--global] help.autoCorrect <#>: auto-correct typos after #/10 seconds
  • git config [--global] alias.<aliasname> "git <args>": Alias a git command
    • git config --global alias.lg "log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(auto)%h -%d %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'": pretty log (run git lg)

Commit references

  • <commit>~[n]: n-th ancestor of commit (n=1 if omitted, n=2 is parent of parent)
  • <commit>^[n]: n-th parent of commit (n=1 if omitted, only useful for merges

Git commands

git add

  • git add -p: interactively stage commits by hunk

git stash

  • git stash --include-untracked: stashes tracked and untracked changes
  • git stash save "DESCRIPTION": sets stash description (instead of last commit msg)
  • git stash list: list changes
  • git stash show stash@{#}: show contents of a stash
  • git stash apply: apply the latest stash without removing it
  • git stash apply stash@{#}: apply a stash
  • git stash drop <optional stash@{#}>: Remove a stash
  • git stash clear: Remove all stashes
  • git stash branch <branchname> [optional stash@{#}]: Start new branch from stash
  • git checkout <stash name> -- <filename>: Grab a single file from a stash

git tag

  • git tag <tagname>: Create a tag and use message from last commit
  • git tag -a <tagname>: Create an "annotated" tag with your own message, author, date.
  • git tag: list tagnames
  • git tag --points-at <commit>: list tagnames that point to a commit
  • git show <tagname>: Show message & diff for tag
  • git push <tagname>: push to remote

git branch

  • git branch: list local branches
  • git branch -r: list remote branches
  • git branch <new-branchname> <commit>: Create a branch with at HEAD (useful for dangling commits)
  • git branch -vv: list branches with upstream and commit msg

git merge

  • git merge <feature-branch>: merges into the current branch
  • git merge --no-ff <feature-branch> Disables fast forward (makes merge commit even if no merge conflicts, useful if want to group related changes)

git log

  • git log --graph --decorate --all --oneline: draw graph of how branches relate
  • git log --since="yesterday"
  • git log --since="2 weeks ago"
  • git log --name-status --follow -- <file>: Shows log history for a file with that works across renames/moves"
  • git log -grep=<regexp>: log history matching
  • git log --author=<author>: log history for
  • git log --stat: Summarize changes to each file in log message
  • git log diff-filter=<F> --stat: Log diffs with filter (A=Add, D=Delete, M=Modified)
  • git log -n #: Show the last # of commits

git show

  • git show [commit]: log message and diff of [commit], or HEAD if commit omitted
  • git show --stat: adds per-file change summary for each file
  • git show <commit>:<file>: show diff of single file in commit

git diff

  • git diff: show unsaved changes diff
  • git diff --staged: show staged changes diff
  • git diff A B: diff from A to B
  • git diff A..B: diff from A&B's common ancestor to B
  • git diff --merged <branch>: show branches that have been merged into (useful for master)
  • git diff --no-merged <branch>: show branches not merged into

git checkout

  • git checkout -- <filename>: overwrites file changes in working area with staging area version
  • git checkout <commit> -- <filename>: copies file at commit to staging area & working area
  • git checkout -tb <branch>: Create off HEAD and use HEAD as upstream
  • git checkout -t origin/<branch>: Checkout branch from origin and track origin's version

git push

  • git push -u origin <branch>: push HEAD to on origin

git cherry

  • git cherry -v: Show which commits haven't been pushed yet (are local only)

git fetch

  • git fetch: get changes without applying any

git pull

  • git pull: git fetch && git merge
  • git pull --rebase: git fetch && git rebase

git clean

  • git clean -i: remove untracked file changes, interactively
  • git clean -i -d: also remove untracked folder changes
  • git clean --dry-run: see what would be removed without removing
  • git clean --dry-run -f: remove changes after checking with dry-run

git reset

  • git reset --soft <commit>: moves HEAD to and stages changes to go back
  • git reset [--mixed] <commit>: moves HEAD to and moves changes to go back to working area
  • git reset --hard <commit: moves HEAD to and changes to go back disappear (use ORIG_HEAD to get it back)
  • git reset [commit] -- <file>: stages change to revert file to state at [commit] or HEAD if not supplied
  • ORIG_HEAD pointer to change after doing a reset (handy if need to revert a bad reset)
  • git reset --merge ORIG_HEAD: Reset a merge commit (--merge) preserves uncommitted changes
  • git reflog && git reset --hard HEAD@{#}: jump back to previous state

git revert

  • git revert <commit>: creates a commit reverting

git rebase

  • git rebase <branch>: Rebase current branch on top of
  • git rebase -i <branch>: interactive rebase
    • pick: keep this commit
    • reword: keep commit but reword message
    • edit: keep but modify commit
    • squash: combine commit with previous, edit message
    • fixup: combine commit with previous and keep previous message
    • exec: run command with previous commit
    • drop: remove this commit
  • git commit --fixup <SHA> && git rebase -i --autosquash <SHA>^: makes new commit a "fixup!" of and squashes fixup into
  • git rebase -i --exec "<cmd>" <commit>: Runs after each commit (useful for unit testing)
  • git rebase --abort: Back out a rebase
  • git branch my_branch_backup -> git reset --hard my_branch_backup: Create a copy of branch before rebasing, restore it later

git remote

  • git remote -v: Show remotes
origin git@github.com:username/repo.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:username/repo.git (push)
  • git remote add upstream https://github.com/ORIG_OWNER/REPO.git: Add upstream (from fork)
  • git remote rename origin upstream: Rename origin remote to upstream
  • git pull --rebase <remote> <branch>: Pull in changes from 's

git clone

  • git clone git@github.com:username/repo.git

git grep

  • git grep -e <regexp>: Searches tracked files including working area
  • git grep --cached -e <regexp>: Only searches staged and commited changes
  • git grep -e <regexp> -- <file or path>: limits regex to file/path
  • git grep --line-number --heading --break -e <regexp>: Better formatting

git cherrypick

  • git checkout <branch> && git cherry-pick <SHA>: Creates commit on with

git blame

  • git blame <filename>: show who last touched a file line by line
  • git blame -w -M -C <filename>: better format
    • -w: ignore whitespace
    • -M: follow moved/copied lines within file
    • -C: follow moved/copied lines outside file
  • git log -diff-filter=D -- <deleted_file>: See what commit(s) deleted a file
    • git blame <commit>^ -- <deleted_file>: Blame on file before it was deleted
  • git blame -L#,# -- <file>: Limit blame for lines #-#
  • git blame -L'/<regexp>/' <file>: Limit blame to lines matching regexp

git bisect

  • git bisect start <BAD_SHA> <GOOD_SHA>: Find which commit broke something
    • If good: git bisect good
    • If bad: git bisect bad
  • git bisect run <test-cmd> <arguments>: Automate bisect by providing to determine pass/fail (pass=retval0)
    • git bisect run "grep -c <BAD_TEXT> <FILENAME>" <BAD_SHA> <GOOD_SHA>: finds which commit added <BAD_TEXT> to

git init

  • git init --template=<.git-tempalte path>: initializes .git with .git settings from <.git-template path> (hooks, set up .gitignore)

Git Hooks



Source code browsing

  • t: activate file finder
  • l: jump to line
  • w: switch branch/tag
  • y: expand URL to canonical form (useful for permalink)
  • i: show/hide all inline notes

hub command line


  • Install: brew install hub
  • Add to .bash_profile: alias git=hub


  • Open a pull request: git pull-request -h <branch>
  • Open browser with issues: git browse -- issues

.github/ templates

  • ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md: default contents when creating an issue
  • PULL_REQUEST.md: default contents when sending a PR
  • CONTRIBUTING.md: link to this doc in sidebare when creating a PR