
Brackets App for CS701

Primary LanguageHTML


Brackets Project for CS701

by Matt McGrath

Problem Statement:

  • Provide a rich web application where users can create, save, and delete tournament-style Brackets.
  • Users decide which items/teams/things to use in the Bracket.
  • These items are paired up in Matchups.
  • The user selects which item wins each Matchup.
  • Winners continue to the next round.
  • In the last round, a Champion is selected.
  • Once a Champion has been selected, the Bracket can be Saved.
  • Once saved, the Bracket can be viewed in the Bracket List.
  • Brackets in the Bracket List can be deleted.

Email: mjm3853@yahoo.com

The Application Uses the following:

  • MongoDB

  • NodeJS

  • ExpressJS

  • AngularJS

On GitHub at: https://github.com/mjm3853/brackets

Hosted at: http://bracketsapp-20394.onmodulus.net/#/draw

Requires NodeJS installed locally to run correctly: http://nodejs.org/ May also require the GIT command line if other command lines are not working: http://git-scm.com/

To Run:

  • Extract the Zip file from Blackboard or GitHub

  • Save files in a local folder

  • Navigate to that folder using the command line [I use the Git command line]

  • Run: "npm install" [Requires NodeJS]

  • Then Run: "npm start" [Should start the server on a local port]

  • In a web browser, navigate to: localhost:(port number given above)

Please email me if the steps above do not work. Apologies but I have not been able to test from scratch on multiple computers.