AWS Fargate Node App

A reference project to deploy a Node Express app onto Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate with Terraform, inspired by this tutorial documentation

A microservice which creates, and authenticates users from a MongoDB database

AWS Architecture


  • Make sure you have installed Terraform, AWS CLI, and configured a default AWS CLI profile (see doc here)
terraform -help # prints Terraform options
which aws # prints /usr/local/bin/aws
aws --version # prints aws-cli/2.0.36 Python/3.7.4 Darwin/18.7.0 botocore/2.0.0
aws configure # configure your AWS CLI profile
  • You have created a database on MongoDB Atlas and have obtained a database connection string


default_region                     = "ap-southeast-1"
default_az1                        = "ap-southeast-1a"
default_az2                        = "ap-southeast-1b"
docker_username                    = "mjmaixdev"
github_full_repo_id                = "mjmaix/node-aws-fargate-terraform"
app_name                           = "mj-node-fg-aws"
environment                        = "staging"
mongo_username                     = "admin-mjmaixdev"
mongo_host                         = ""
mongo_database_name                = "demo"
mongo_password_secret_arn          = <MongoPassword Secret ARN>
codestar_connector_credentials_arn = <Codestar Connector Credenetials ARN>


cd deploy # change to deploy directory
terraform init # initialises Terraform
terraform apply # deploys AWS stack. See output for AWS loadbalancer DNS name
terraform destroy # destroys AWS stack


  • Create a user by making POST request to /api/users with the following JSON body:
  "email": "",
  "password": "password",
  "name": "jondoe"
  • See Postman collection here


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

If you find this project helpful, please give a ⭐ or even better buy me a coffee ☕ 👇 because I'm a caffeine addict 😅

Buy Me A Coffee
