
Local p5js example of simulating a 12 LED ring in a short term memory tester

Primary LanguageJavaScript


© 2021 Maarten Meijer / AUAS


For a full description see Full Donald 2021 on Github.

This repo is the local version used by students to change and develop their own animations.



  • Download the code in a ZIP file by pressing the green Code button top right of this page.


  • extract the ZIP file so you see a folder donald_2021_local.

  • From the Processing File menu Open the file donald_2021_local/donald_2021_local/donald_2021_local.js

  • Click on the tab called animations.js

Open Donald code

  • select the tab animations.js

How to change the code?

  • First look at the instructions on p5js.org and understand how p5js works.

  • You can also look at the CODE! Youtube playlist. Importiant videos are 1.4: Color 2.1: en 2.2: Variables 3.1: Conditional statements and beyond.

  • Only after that do you start changing the local code in animations.js.

  • Start by changing one of the Tx_xxxx timing parameters in the top of the file and press run (>). For example change T3_SHOWTEST to 5. See what happened (it went too fast!).If you don't like the effect, just Undo your changes. Changing the timings is changing the user interaction and usability.

Open Donald code

  • Next change some of the colors using color names or RGB values. Maybe first ook at the 1.4 Color video again. You can use named colors or RGB values, for details see the p5js Reference Changing the colors is mostly changing the user experience.

Open Donald code

  • Finally you can change the code that takes care of the animations. For example change the 12 into 24 or 36 and observe what happens when you run it. Changing the colors is changing the user interaction, usability and user experience.

Open Donald code


Then change the whole blok to

//  F2 display a single block of pixels
var   blokColors0 = new Array( // create comple definition for corner 0
  'red', // named color
  'red', // named color
  'red', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black' // named color

var   blokColors1 = new Array( // create comple definition for corner 1
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'green', // named color LED 3,4,5 are the second position
  'green', // named color
  'green', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black' // named color

var   blokColors2 = new Array( // create comple definition for corner 2
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'blue', // named color LED 6,7,8 are the 3rd position
  'blue', // named color
  'blue', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black' // named color

var   blokColors3 = new Array( // create comple definition for corner 3
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'black', // named color
  'yellow', // named color
  'yellow', // named color
  'yellow' // named color
function showTestStep(index) {
  if(index == 0) { // if indes equals 0, then use colors defined in blokColors0
  else if(index == 1) {
  else if(index == 2) {
  else if(index == 3) {

Advanced changes to buttons

  • You can also open the file animations.js and look for the function custom_buttons(...). Please uncomment this function by removing the // before every line. There you can change the look of the buttons by changing the code. For example to give each of the 4 buttons a different color, change the code as follows:
function custom_buttons(x, y, w, h) {
  w2 = w / 2;
  h2 = h / 2;
  translate(x, y);
  stroke(127, 127, 127);
  fill(180, 10, 10, 127); // changed set color to somewhat Red
  rect(0, 0, w2, h2);
  fill(10, 180, 10, 127); // added set color to somewhat Green
  rect(w2, 0, w2, h2);
  fill(10, 10, 180, 127); // added set color to somewhat Blue
  rect(0, h2, w2, h2);
  fill(180, 180, 10, 127); // added set color to somewhat Yellow (= Red + Green)
  rect(w2, h2, w2, h2);
  • this will give you the following: Color Buttons

  • Please note that using primary colors is NOT very original or creative as you can below. So please think of something else! not creative Maybe match your color scheme to the use context that you have in Ontwerpen 3 Project Interactie.

Auto downloading screen images

  • You can save images of each animation step (for your report) by adding one line of code at then end of an animation routine:
  saveCanvas('animation-step', 'png');
  • for example to save every step of the preparation animation, add this as follows:
function showPrepare(index) {
 if (frameCount % (T1_WARN / 12) == 0) {
   // download an image of every animation step
   saveCanvas('animation-step', 'png');

Even more nerdy tips

  • Turn on the inspector in your browser. Then you can see some of the print statements.

browser inspector on

  • To look at the program on your mobile phone, find out the IP number in the Network settings of your laptop. Next enter the URL you see in the browser of your laptop, something like, into the browser on your phone. Replacing the the IP number op your laptop you found earlier. Your laptop will act as the server for your mobile phone.


Javascript developed using p5js with Processing.