an executor service (a.k.a. smart pool of threads) that is backed by an ArrayLimitedQueue or a LinkedLimitedQueue.
the purpose of this library is to be able to block on ".submit
" / ".execute
" whenever the q task limit is reached. Here is why..
if a regular BlockingQueue is used, a ThreadPoolExecutor calls queue's "offer" method which does not block: inserts a task and returns true, or returns false in case a queue is "capacity-restricted" and its capacity was reached.
while this behavior is useful, there are cases where we do need to block and wait until a ThreadPoolExecutor has a thread available to work on the task.
depending on a use case this back pressure can be very useful. One reason could be an off heap storage that is being read and processed by a ThreadPoolExecutor: e.g. there is no need, and sometimes completely undesired, to use JVM heap for something that is already available off heap. Another good use is described in "Creating a NotifyingBlockingThreadPoolExecutor".
to create a pool with limited number of threads and a backing q limit:
(ns sample.project
(:require [lasync.core :as lasync]))
(def pool (lasync/pool))
that is pretty much it. The pool is a regular ExecutorService that can have tasks submitted to it:
(.submit pool #(+ 41 1))
there is also a submit
function that wraps this call and returns a future:
show=> (lasync/submit pool #(+ 41 1))
#object[java.util.concurrent.FutureTask 0x6d1ce6d3 "java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@6d1ce6d3"]
as well as an execute
function that does not return a future, hence exeptions will be caught and reported by the default exception handler.
by default lasync will create available cores * 2 + 42
number of threads:
(defn- number-of-threads []
(+ (* 2 available-cores) 42))
but the number can be changed by:
user=> (def pool (lasync/pool {:threads 42}))
the default queue that is backing lasync's pool is ArrayLimitedQueue
with a default capacity of 1024
items. But all defaults are there to customize.
A queue size is what limits the pool enabling the back pressure. Use :limit
to tune that knob:
(def pool (lasync/pool {:limit 65535}))
to see lasync in action:
lein repl
user=> (require '[show :refer [rock-on]])
user=> (rock-on 69) ;; Woodstock'69
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 1
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 3
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 2
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 0
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 4
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 5
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 6
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 7
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 62
INFO: pool q-size: 3, submitted: 60
INFO: pool q-size: 4, submitted: 63
INFO: pool q-size: 3, submitted: 65
INFO: pool q-size: 3, submitted: 64
INFO: pool q-size: 2, submitted: 66
INFO: pool q-size: 1, submitted: 67
INFO: pool q-size: 0, submitted: 68
here lasync show was rocking on 4 core box (which it picked up on), so regardless of how many tasks are being pushed to it, the queue max size always stays at 4, and lasync creates that back pressure in case the task q limit is reached. In fact the "blocking" can be seen in action, as each task is sleeping for a second, so the whole thing can be visually seen being processed by 4, pause, next 4, pause, etc..
here is the code behind the show
while ArrayLimitedQueue
fits most of the use cases, a custom, or a different queue can be configured via :queue
(def pool (lasync/pool {:queue (LinkedLimitedQueue. 128)}))
by default lasync's thread factory tries to have reasonable defaults but if you want to make your it's simply a matter of reify'ing an interface.
(def tpool (reify
(newThread [_ runnable] ...)))
(def pool (lasync/pool {:threads 10 :thread-factory tpool}))
lasync takes an optional rejected-fn
that will be called on every RejectedExecutionException
. The default function is:
(defn default-rejected-fn [runnable _]
(throw (RejectedExecutionException.
(str "rejected execution: " runnable))))
but it can be replaced with a custom one (the second param is an executor
, it is ignored in this case):
(defn log-rejected [runnable _]
(error runnable "was rejected"))
(def pool (lasync/pool {:threads 10 :rejected-fn log-rejected}))
(def tpool (reify ThreadFactory
(newThread [_ runnable] ...)))
(defn log-rejected [runnable _]
(error runnable "was rejected"))
(def lp (lasync/pool {:threads 42
:thread-factory tpool
:limit 101010101
:rejected-fn log-rejected}))
when you done with a pool it is a good idea to shut it down:
(lasync/shutdown pool)
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distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.