
An easy to use library for controlling WS2812 LEDs (branded by Adafruit as NeoPixels) with an MSP430 microcontroller.

Primary LanguageC

MSP430 NeoPixel/WS2812 C Library

An easy to use library for controlling WS2812 LEDs (branded by Adafruit as NeoPixels) with an MSP430 microcontroller. The library is syntactically based off of Adafruit's NeoPixel library.


Use of this library is simple. You will need the ws2812 source and header file in your project, as well as your MSP430.h header file that you should already have.

Set your CPU's clock speed to 16 MHz.

In ws2812.h, modify the define for NUM_LEDS to the number of LEDs you have.

Before working with the strip, call initStrip(). This configures the SPI module to operate at the necessary speed. It will also clear the strip to start.

Call setLEDColor() to change the color of a specific pixel, 0 indexed from the start of the strip.

To actually display your colors, you need to call showStrip(). This function temporarily disables interrupts to ensure timing requirements are kept.

Connect the data line for your strip to the B SIMO pin for your MSP430. This library is written with the belief that this pin is 1.7, which it is on the Launchpad. Modify the define for OUTPUT_PIN and make sure the code in initStrip() is for the correct port if your processor differs. Don't forget to attach a 300-500 Ohm resistor on the data line.

Important Notes

SPI Note

This software library drives the LEDs by taking advantage of the SPI module, which is essentially the best option for programming in C. The same functionality can be achieved using assembly, but this is not the focus of this library. This means that you are required to dedicate a SPI line to your strip. This library is written to use the SPI on USCI B.

Clock Speed

The timing requirements for the WS2812 LEDs are very tight. As such, this requires a relatively high speed SPI clock (this uses ~5.3 MHz) and an even higher CPU clock. Set the DCO clock to 16 MHz to use this library. If you wish to use a different clock speed (you can use higher as long as the SPI clock can be modulated to an appropiate frequency), you will have to modify the the SPI clock's modulation in initStrip().

Device Compatibility

The library was written to work on the MSP430G2553, which comes with the G2 Launchpad. The code should be able to be modified to work on most other MSP430 devices with a clock speed of at least 16 MHz. This will possibly require you to modify the SPI configuration in initStrip().