
Feature: fix to work with Energia

Opened this issue · 1 comments

this is just a courtesy note, rather than an issue as such. I've ported your library to work with the Energia framework. You can see the result at https://github.com/wom-bat/MSP430-NeoPixel-WS2812-Library

I'm not sure it's worth pulling into your repo.


this is only a short note, too. I just "ported" your lib to the MSP430F5510 to use USCB1 on P4.1. Instead of connecting the data line directly to 3.3V I inserted a MOS-FET to drive the the WS2812 stripe with 5V as recommended in the WS2812 datasheet. Therefore I inserted

// Transmit
#define HIGH_CODE   (~0xF0)      // b11110000
#define LOW_CODE    (~0xC0)      // b11000000
#define HIGH_CODE   (0xF0)      // b11110000
#define LOW_CODE    (0xC0)      // b11000000

in ws2812.h. Maybe it's helpful for others, too.

Thank you for the good work!