
Vue.js-based frontend for a web application that allows friends/significant others to track who decided what to eat.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Vue.js-based frontend for WhoDecidesFood, a web application that allows users to track who decides food as a competition. This front-end is designed to be integrated and deployed with the Ruby on Rails based REST API backend.

See the whodecidesfood-app repo for the backend.


  • Michael Meli
  • Kylie Geller

Local Environment Setup

The only requirement is node.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080, with mock API at localhost:3000
npm start

# build for production with minification
npm run build


To deploy, first you will want to build a minified production distribution with npm run build. This will generate files in the dist folder. Copy these files to the public folder of the Rails backend. Rails comes with Puma by default as a web server that can serve these files.

Contained within this repo is a file heroku-deploy.sh. This script is an example of how this website can be deployed along with the API using Heroku as an example (Heroku is used as our production platform).