A Serverless GraphQL Backend for my resume/ portfolio site
GraphQL endpoint: https://rlk7p3dxd8.execute-api.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/production/graphql
It's deployed as an AWS Lambda function using the Serverless Framework
You can interact with the API at http://www.cameroncarlyle.com/graphiql or you could use GraphiQL App or the Chrome extension ChromeiQL.
git clone https://github.com/carlyleec/cc-graphql.git
npm start
This will start a dev server running GraphiQL at http://localhost:3000.
- You need to install the Serverless CLI
- You'll also need to set up your AWS credentials for Severless using the Serveless CLI
command, instructions are here - Then run
serverless deploy
to deploy to the default AWSus-east-1
region with the default state ofdev
. To deploy to production or to a different AWS region useserverless deploy --stage production --region us-west-1
for example. More on Serverless for AWS here