
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/vervet-web

Primary LanguagePython

2013.3.14 INSTALL
#. need the GWASModules (particular, the pymodule/ folder)
#. the repositories have to be in ~/script/ path. like ~/script/pymodule/..., ~/script/vervet/src/... so that python modules could be found without any PYTHONPATH setup.

2013.3.14 To establish the main database (vervet/src/db/VervetDB.py, pymodule/db/Genome.py, etc.)

Establish three schemas (+ triggers for users/dates) and pre-fill some tables with contents

#. genome schema (tax_id=0, for simulated species)
	#. chromosome_type
	#. genome_annotation_type
#. taxonomy schema 
#. public schema
	#. sequencer, sequence_type, ind2ind
	#. relationship_type, alignment_method,
	#. study, locus_type