A web 3.0 application for reducing college application fees for students.
The Common Ðapp improves the college application process for students by ensuring that application fees do not hinder potential attendees.
As it stands, most North American colleges request a fee from students in order to send in an application. For many low income students, this poses a financial burden if they apply to more than 4 schools.
The Common Ðapp allows users to upload their college application data to IPFS and grant view permission to each school that they choose to apply to.
Schools will now have more data to strengthen their machine learning algorithms and lower their acceptance rates. This is an incentive loop that both parties can benefit from.
This application requires the use of Metamask, a web-based portal into the Ethereum blockchain. It allows a user to interact with Web3 (decentralized) applications.
This is a comprehensive article that shows how to set up a metamask wallet.
When you first set up, you should switch to a test network (Ropsten or Rinkeby) and request 1 test ether from this faucet.
- The main components of the app include:
- Application Page
- Personal information (Name, Age, Hometown, etc.),
- Financial status,
- GPA,
- etc.
- College Selection
- A list of colleges for each student to apply to
- Transcript Upload
- Currently a static object to represent a dynamic file upload system
- Application Page
- In the future, we would like to include additional functionality to our dApp such as:
- College-specific supplementary questions
- Dynamic file-upload tab for transcripts and other documents
- Notifications
- Profile Viewed
- Application Decision
- Additional Information