
[HISTORICAL] A Lightweight (RISC-V) ISA Extension for AES and SM4

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

A Lightweight (RISC-V) ISA Extension for AES and SM4

[HISTORICAL] This personal repo was used for work-in-progress contributions to the RISC-V Cryptographic Extensions Task Group in 2020 and is no longer updated. See riscv-crypto for up to date information.

January 22, 2020 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen mjos@pqshield.com

Updated April 23, 2020: Renamed ENC1S as SAES32 (and SSM4) as per current draft spec where the proposal now resides.


A lightweight ISA extension proposal supporting:

  • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with 128/192/256 - bit secret key, as defined in FIPS 197.

  • SM4 Chinese Encryption algorithm GM/T 0002-2012 (english spec), also defined in GB/T 32907-2016 and ISO/IEC 18033-3:2010/DAmd 2. SM4 has only one key size, 128 bits.

A single instruction, SAES32 is used for encryption, decryption, and key schedule for both ciphers. For design rationale and some analysis, see the short report A Lightweight ISA Extension for AES and SM4 (to appear at SECRISC-V 2020). Note that there the same instruction is called "ENC1S".

A more complex ISA extension is appropriate for higher-end CPUs. The primary goal of SAES32 / lweas is to eliminate timing-side vulnerabilities. Speed-up over pure software table-based implementations is roughly 500 %.

NOTE After ENC1S proposal was adapted into the Crypto TG Draft as SAES32, I'm trying to keep this code up to date with it. There is also an initial emulation pseudocode for the 64-bit SAES64 instructions; no real assembler or HDL yet.

Software and Hardware Source Code

This directory contains an "emulator" C implementation of the instruction together with runnable pseudocode for full encryption, decryption, and key schedule of AES-128/192/256 and SM4-128. These are intended for instruction counts, test vector generation, and other such evaluation. Real assembler listings for the same functions (using a seriously hacky macro instruction encoding) can be found under the asm directory.

The assembler and C code use essentially the same api, AES and SM4 API (specified in saes32_wrap.h) so that same test code can be used with both.

The hdl directory contains Verilog combinatorial logic for the core instruction. Simulator and basic CMOS gate count synthesis scripts are provided for Icarus Verilog and Yosys open source tools. The same assembler and HDL have been additionally tested with PQShield's proprietary RISC-V emulator and the "Pluto" core on a live FPGA target, although source code for those is not provided here.

Technical Details

The instruction is encapsulated in a single emulator function in saes32.c:

uint32_t saes32(uint32_t rs1, uint32_t rs2, int fn);

The file hdl/saes32.v contains Verilog combinatorial logic for the instruction that can be used in a RISC-V core.

module saes32(
    output  [31:0]  rd,                 //  output register (wire!)
    input   [31:0]  rs1,                //  input register 1
    input   [31:0]  rs2,                //  input register 2
    input   [4:0]   fn                  //  5-bit function specifier

The fn immediate "constant" is currently 5 bits, covering encryption, decryption, and key schedule for both algorithms. Bits fn[1:0] specify the input byte and output rotation while fn[4:2] specify the operation. Appropriate pseudo instruction names for the code points can be proposed; current identifiers defined in saes32.h are:

Identifier fn[4:2] Description or Use
SAES32_ENCSM 0 AES Encrypt main body with MixColumns.
SAES32_ENCS 1 AES Encrypt final round / Key Schedule.
SAES32_DECSM 2 AES Decrypt main body with MixColumns.
SAES32_DECS 3 AES Decrypt final round.
SSM4_ED 4 SM4 Encrypt and Decrypt.
SSM4_KS 5 SM4 Key Schedule.
6-7 Unused. 4x6=24 points currently used.

For AES the instruction selects a byte from rs2, performs a single S-box lookup (SubBytes or its inverse), evaluates a part of the MDS matrix (MixColumns), rotates the result by a multiple of 8 bits (ShiftRows), and exclusive-ors the result with rs1 (AddRoundKey). Despite its complex description, it can be seen that hardware implementation of the instructions is quite compact and the overall software implementation is fast.

For SM4 the instruction has exactly the same data path with byte selection, S-Box lookup, but with different linear operations, depending on whether encryption/decryption or key scheduling is being performed.

Galois/Counter Mode (GCM): AES-GCM with Bitmanip

The Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) specified in NIST SP 800-38D is a prominent Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) mechanism. It is the only cipher mode mandated as "MUST" for all TLS 1.3 implementations.

Here I'll briefly discuss implementation aspects of AES-GCM using the bitmanip (B) extension. Pseudocode for a relevant subset of instructions is contained in source file bitmanip.c, with prototypes in bitmanip.h. These are almost directly lifted from the current draft specification. The instructions relevant to GCM are the Carry-Less Multiply instructions CMUL[H][W] and also the Generalized Reverse GREV[W]. The [W] suffix indicates a 32-bit word size variant on RV64.

The low-level functions that use these instructions are emulated by gcm_rv32b_gfmul.c and gcm_rv64b_gfmul.c. Their correctness can be verified against the full AES-GCM test vectors contained in the framework. There may be further room for improvement -- I use such code to draft the final assembly implementations.

An attempt has been made to pair CMULH immediately followed by CMUL, as is done with MULH/MUL, although there is less of a performance advantage in this case.

Finite Field Arithmetic

While message confidentiality in GCM is provided by a block cipher (AES) in counter mode (a CTR variant), authentication is based on a GHASH, a universal hash defined over the binary field GF(2128). Without custom instruction support GCM, just like AES itself, is either very slow or susceptible to cache timing attacks.

Whether or not authenticating ciphertext or associated data, the main operation of GCM is the GHASH multiplication between a block of authentication data and a secret generator "H". The addition in the field is trivial; just two or four XORs, depending on whether RV32 or RV64 implementation is used.

The finite field is defined to be the ring of binary polynomials modulo the primitive pentanomial R(x) = x128 + x7 + x2 + x + 1. The field encoding is slightly unusual, with the multiplicative identity (i.e. one -- "1") being encoded as a byte sequence 0x80, 0x00, .., 0x00. Converting to little-endian encoding involves inverting bits in each byte; the GREV[W] instruction with constant 7 (pseudo-instruction rev) accomplishes this.

The multiplication itself can be asymptotically sped up with the Karatsuba method, which works even better in binary fields than it does with integers. This reduces the number of CMUL/CMULH pairs on RV64 from 4 to 3 and the on RV32 from 16 to 9, with the cost of many XORs.

Reduction via Shifts or via Multiplication

The second arithmetic step to consider is the polynomial reduction of the 255-bit ring product down to 128 bits (the field) again. The best way of doing reduction depends on how fast the carry-less multiplication instructions CMUL[H][W] are in relation to shifts and XORs.

I'll call these shift reduction (based on the low Hamming weight of the polynomial R) and multiplication reduction (which is analogous to Montgomery and Barrett methods -- albeit simpler because we're working in characteristic 2.)

Estimating the Fastest Method

Examining the multiplication implementations in gcm_rv32b_gfmul.c and gcm_rv64b_gfmul.c we obtain the following arithmetic counts:

Arch Karatsuba Reduce GREV XOR S[L/R]L CLMUL CLMULH
RV32B no mul 4 36 0 20 20
RV32B no shift 4 56 24 16 16
RV32B yes mul 4 52 0 13 13
RV32B yes shift 4 72 24 9 9
RV64B no mul 2 10 0 6 6
RV64B no shift 2 20 12 4 4
RV64B yes mul 2 14 0 5 5
RV64B yes shift 2 24 12 3 3

We can see that the best selection of algorithms depends on the relative cost of multiplication. Assuming that other instructions have unit cost and ignoring loops etc, we have:

Arch Karatsuba Reduce MUL=1 MUL=2 MUL=3 MUL=6
RV32B no mul 80 120 160 280
RV32B no shift 116 148 180 276
RV32B yes mul 82 108 134 212
RV32B yes shift 118 136 154 208
RV64B no mul 24 36 48 84
RV64B no shift 42 50 58 82
RV64B yes mul 26 36 46 76
RV64B yes shift 44 50 56 74

We see that if CLMUL[H][W] takes twice the time of XOR and shifts, or more, then Karatsuba is worthwhile. If these multiplication instructions are six times slower, or more, then it is worthwhile to convert the reduction multiplications to shifts and XORs.

AES Notes

  • AES code density is 16 instructions per round (+ round key fetch), despite only requiring a single S-box in hardware. The initial RISC-V Crypto proposal (Section 4.4, "Lightweight AES Acceleration") contains an instruction for four parallel S-Box lookups. Without additional helper instructions, this will result in a slower round function. Furthermore, the circuit size is dominated by the S-Box, so the hardware size of this proposal is lower.
  • In addition to being 500+% faster than plain software implementation (depending on table lookup speed), the most important feature of this implementation is that it is constant time and resistant to Cache-timing attacks on AES. Constant-time implementations of AES are possible in pure software but are exceedingly slow.
  • The instructions also support the key schedule; it is possible to compute the round keys "on the fly" without committing them to RAM. This may be helpful in some types of security applications.
  • Many applications do not actually require the AES inverse function; even full TLS implementations may be implemented without it since the AES-GCM mode is based on CTR; essentially a stream cipher.
  • Mathematically the AES computation is organized as in the well-known "T-Tables" technique, which is more than 20 years old in the context of AES. If there are patents for this specific way of organizing the computation, they are likely to have expired. Other approaches have been considered in the literature.
  • In hardware implementation the AES S-Box and its inverse share much of their circuitry. For an example of gate-optimized logic for this purpose, see e.g. Boyar and Peralta. We've expanded this to SM4, as can be seen in reference combinatorial logic in hdl/sboxes.v.
  • SM4 S-Box is mathematically very close to AES S-Box, as both are based on finite field inversion in GF(256). This property also makes the inverse S-Box required by AES self-similar to forward S-Box. Even though different polynomial bases are used by AES and SM4, finite fields are affine equivalent, so much of the circuitry of the three is shared. SM4 does not need an inverse S-Box for decryption.


Only a C compiler is required to test; RISC-V instruction counts can be seen from the source code. A Makefile is provided and the file test_main.c contains a minimal unit test with some standard test vectors.

$ make
gcc  -c test_main.c -o test_main.o
gcc  -o xtest aes_enc.o sm4....
$ ./xtest
< .. TEST TEST TEST .. >
[INFO] === AES using SAES32 ===
[PASS] AES-128 Enc 69C4E0D86A7B0430D8CDB78070B4C55A
[PASS] AES-128 Dec 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
[PASS] AES-192 Enc DDA97CA4864CDFE06EAF70A0EC0D7191
[PASS] AES-192 Dec 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
[PASS] AES-256 Enc 8EA2B7CA516745BFEAFC49904B496089
[PASS] AES-256 Dec 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF
[PASS] AES-128 Enc 3AD77BB40D7A3660A89ECAF32466EF97
[PASS] AES-128 Dec 6BC1BEE22E409F96E93D7E117393172A
[PASS] AES-192 Enc 974104846D0AD3AD7734ECB3ECEE4EEF
[PASS] AES-192 Dec AE2D8A571E03AC9C9EB76FAC45AF8E51
[PASS] AES-256 Dec 30C81C46A35CE411E5FBC1191A0A52EF
< .. GCM tests, SAES64 tests, etc here .. >
[PASS] all tests passed.

Disclaimer and Status

  • PQShield offers no warranty or specific claims of standards compliance nor does not endorse this proposal above other proposals. PQShield may or may not implement AES and SM4 according to this proposal in the future.
  • Despite being proposed in a personal capacity, this proposal constitutes a "contribution" as defined in Section 1.4 of the RISC-V foundation membership agreement.


  • markku