
Source code for the experimental, compact "wee" file compression utility.

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Source code for the experimental, compact wee file compression utility.

02-Jan-16 Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen mjos@iki.fi

Experimental file compression is based on binary arithmetic coding (BAC), bigram byte Markov model, and block sorting dictionary search. Despite these fairly advanced techniques, the codebase is still well under 1000 lines and the speed is not too bad.

This is work in progress -- I hope to tune various parameters and encodings to beat other state of the art compression tools. EXPERIMENTAL CODE, ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER


A standard Makefile is included, which should be workable on most modern Linux-like boxes.

Command line usage is pretty much standard:

Usage: wee [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Compress or uncompress FILEs. OPTIONs:

  -c   Write on standard output, keep original files unchanged.
  -d   Decompress rather than compress files.
  -h   Give this help.
  -k   Keep (don't delete) input files.
  -v   Verbose output.

wee v0.1 by Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen <mjos@iki.fi>  Feedback welcome.

You can symlink unwee and weecat to the wee binary to get corresponding functionality without flags.


A test suite based on the Cantenbury Compression Corpus is included. This first alpha release outperforms gzip, but falls little short of the performance of xz (LZMA method) and bzip2 (block-sorting method). Just run make test to perform full comparison.

Here is the output for gzip:

gzip           54435  64.2%  alice29.txt
gzip           48951  60.8%  asyoulik.txt
gzip            7999  67.4%  cp.html
gzip            3143  71.8%  fields.c
gzip            1246  66.5%  grammar.lsp
gzip          206779  79.9%  kennedy.xls
gzip          144885  66.0%  lcet10.txt
gzip          195208  59.4%  plrabn12.txt
gzip           56443  89.0%  ptt5
gzip           12924  66.2%  sum
gzip            1756  58.4%  xargs.1
gzip    ============  68.1%  AVERAGE

And current version of wee:

wee            53362  64.9%  alice29.txt
wee            48578  61.1%  asyoulik.txt
wee             7953  67.6%  cp.html
wee             3212  71.1%  fields.c
wee             1284  65.4%  grammar.lsp
wee            67070  93.4%  kennedy.xls
wee           134914  68.3%  lcet10.txt
wee           186588  61.2%  plrabn12.txt
wee            54147  89.4%  ptt5
wee            12800  66.5%  sum
wee             1798  57.4%  xargs.1
wee     ============  69.6%  AVERAGE