SMS Phishing Attacker


  • Used Gophish and understand how to launch campaigns
  • Have a Twilio API Key, API Secret and make sure there is Twilio balance in your account
  • Have ready a list of Phone Numbers with the correct area code for every victim user that is inputted in Gophish (Order of users in Gophish should be the same as the phone number list or else the numbers will send to the wrong people)


The program is very easy to setup, to get the program simply follow these steps:

First clone the repo and cd into the directory

git clone
cd SMS-Phishing-Attacker

Then it's recommended (but not mandatory) to set up a Python virtualenv, you can do this by simply running the following:

python3 -m venv venv # Optional but recommended
source venv/bin/activate # Optional but recommended

Then finally for the dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

TLDR; Run these commands:

git clone
cd SMS-Phishing-Attacker
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Getting Started

The first thing you need to do is change the config.ini file. Provided in this repo is a sample_config.ini, rename this to config.ini and replace the keys with your own:

  • GOPHISH_API_KEY: API key found in Gophish settings
  • GOPHISH_LANDING_PAGE_URL: This is setup by you and the URL is found in the config.json of the Gophish directory
  • TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: Twilio account ID found in Twilio dashboard
  • TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: Twilio AUTH token found in Twilio dashboard
  • TWILIO_MSG_SERVICE_ID: Twilio Message Service ID found in Twilio Dashborad

You may also enable DEBUG mode by setting it to True if you want to save the messages being sent. These messages will be saved in a debug.log file.

PREVIEW_ONLY, if set to True, will not send the SMS but simply preview the first message that will be send with all the variables replaced with their respective values. Useful to test out before sending out any messages just to make sure things are fully prepared.

You also must create a Message file (default path: message.txt), this is the message that will be sent via SMS. An example message file is shown below:

Dear {{FIRST_NAME}},

This is a test message for {{LAST_NAME}}.

Please click the link in this message: {{URL}}.

Here you can use the following variables that will be replaced by the user information from Gophish.

  • {{FIRST_NAME}}: for the first name of each Gophish victim
  • {{LAST_NAME}}: for the last name of each Gophish victim
  • {{URL}}: landing page URL (e.g., SMS Phishing Attacker will automatically append the individual Gophish Tracking ID for each user so that Gophish can track the links

Additional variables are as followed:

  • {{FIRST_NAME_LOWER}}: for a lowercase version of first name
  • {{LAST_NAME_LOWER}}: for a lowercase version of last name
  • {{TODAY_DATE_FORMAT}}: today's date format in strftime format (NOTE: you must add an extra '%' sign for each '%' sign present for the config.ini file)

Setting up Gophish

  • Make sure to create a group of users either manually or import a CSV into Gophish
  • Make sure the landing page is setup and that it is accessible to outside users.

Note: Since the focus is to send SMS Phishing attacks, the email for each user does not matter and can be anything, the important part is getting the generated IDs for each user once the campaign is started so that we can use Gophish to track the links.

Launching the Campaign

Once everything is setup, while creating the campaign make sure you select the correct user group that corresponds with the phone number list you have prepared or else it will send the messages with the wrong information to the wrong people.

Finally you can launch the campaign for Gophish, if you've inputted fake/invalid emails for the users you might have to wait for the campaign screen to error out before sending the SMS otherwise it will clear any existing data. Once you see ERROR on all the emails then you can begin SMS phishing.

To begin SMS Phishing, simply run:


You will see a preview of the message to be sent and simply hit "n" to cancel or any key to continue and the SMS Phishing will have started.

NOTE: For the time being, make sure there is only one campaign in Gophish as this hasn't been tested with more than one.


All the provided tools are for legal use only by professional penetration testers or cyber-security related people. The tool must be used with written consent from the organisation or individuals the tool is targeting, the author is not responsible for any misuse of these tools.