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Decoupled Greedy Learning

This contains the source code for key experiments associated with the paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08164. If you find this code helpful please cite our paper

@article{belilovsky2019decoupled, title={Decoupled Greedy Learning of CNNs}, author={Belilovsky, Eugene and Eickenberg, Michael and Oyallon, Edouard}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.08164}, year={2019} }

In all experiments there is a log file which is generated in the local directory containing the per epoch training/val accuracy and other useful data.

Coming soon.. (in a month or two) we will add some examples of implementations that distribute/parallelize across GPUs. If you are interested in an early version of that we can share by request.

For questions or comments please contact at: eugene.belilovsky@umontreal.ca


contains experiments used in Section 5 This relies on the package https://github.com/koz4k/dni-pytorch . Which is also copied in the directory for completness

end to end baseline

python cifar_cnn_dni.py


python cifar_cnn_dni.py --dni

DNI with context

python cifar_cnn_dni.py --dni --context

DGL (our method)

python cifar_dgl.py


this contains our source code for the ImageNet experiments. Additionally this implementation provides a preliminary interface for specifying and learning greedy models, which will be released along with the paper.

VGG-13 K=10 layer by layer

python imagenet_dgl.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch vgg13 --block_size 1 --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS

VGG-13 K=4

python imagenet_dgl.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch vgg13 --block_size 3 --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS

VGG-19 K=4

python imagenet_dgl.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch vgg19 --block_size 4 --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS

VGG-19 K=2

python imagenet_dgl.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch vgg19 --block_size 8 --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS

ResNet152 K=2

python imagenet_dgl.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch resnet152 --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS

run baseline (end-to-end) code


python imagenet.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch resnet152 --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS

vgg13,vgg19. note: we use batchnorm versions of the pytorch baseline model repo for vgg, the models trained in our code above uses the batchnorm versions as well

python imagenet.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch vgg13_bn --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS

python imagenet.py IMAGENET_DIR --arch vgg19_bn --half --dynamic-loss-scale -j THREADS


Comparison to DDG, separate README provided in directory


From Sec 5 Auxiliary nets

compares auxiliary networks, to evaluate MLP-SR-aux

python cifar_dgl.py --type_aux mlp-sr

CNN auxiliary is given by 'cnn' and MLP auxiliary by 'mlp'

Learning curves

From Sec 5 Sequential vs Parallel. Contains notebook comparing the learnign curves for sequential greedy and dgl. To generate the logs run cifar_sequential_greedy.py for sequential and cifar_dgl.py for dgl with default arguments.


This repostory contains experiments associated with Section 5.3 that evaluate the asynchronous versions of DGL proposed in our work

An example can be run as follows with M=30, slowing down layer 3 (of 6 layers) by a factor 1.11 note: the slowdown factor reported in the paper is 1/(1-noise)

python cifar_buffer.py --buffer 30 --noise 0.1 --layer_noise 3 --seed 0