
new usacs.rutgers.edu site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


common.css This holds all things universally found on all webpages, such as fonts, navs, default html tag styling, etc.

modules.css Self contained objects that can be placed anywhere and planned or may be reused in the future that don't depend on page specific css to work properly. Such as, buttons, article cards, header-areas, etc.

page-specific-css Used to override common.css stylings if needed, make custom adjustments or additions to a page. Also mainly used to style elements that don't ever plan to be reused.

Things that people can publicly fix

  • We need an image a large image of the Command Center and the Hackerspace for index.html
  • GitHub scraping for projects
  • Todo for landing page:
    • Mobile view for nav
    • Mobile adjustments for whole page (shouldn't be a lot)
    • Get info on what we need for footer
    • QA for other devices
    • Places stack (CAVE, command, etc.) to 2x2 grid.
  • Yell at me (@hemangandhi) loudly. Especially if you want to do a thing it's not here.

See CONTRIBUTING.md for how to help!