
Research and Development on EE Security API (JSR 375)

Primary LanguageJava


Research and Development on EE Security API (JSR 375)

Areas of Research

  • 01-security-api-embedded - Get Security API code up and running embedded within a WAR.
    Each request to this application runs the Security API code. Watch log file to verify it's working. Nothing actually protected.

  • 02-security-api-goodneighbor - When the Security API is being used by a WAR, will it protect only the WAR it's in or every WAR deployed to the server?

  • 02-security-api-helloworld - This is a test application to be used with 02-security-api-goodneighbor. Watch the log files of this application and you'll see that no Security API code is executed when this application is used.

  • 03-security-api-principal - Can a Principal object be generated from HttpServletRequest? No roles, just a Principal with a given name?

  • 04-security-api-isuserinrole-webxml - Can a Principal object be generated from HttpServletRequest? Both name and roles come from HttpServletRequest. The roles for the application are in web.xml.

  • 04-security-api-isuserinrole-glassfishwebxml - Can a Prinicpal object be generated from HttpServletRequet? Both name and identity-management groups come from HttpServletRequest. The application uses application-specific roles in web.xml. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 05-security-api-isuserinrole-declareroles - Can a Principal object be generated from HttpServletRequest? Both name and roles come from HttpServletRequest. The roles for the application are in @DeclareRoles. No roles are in web.xml.

  • 05-security-api-isuserinrole-glassfishwebxml - Can a Prinicpal object be generated from HttpServletRequet? Both name and identity-management groups come from HttpServletRequest. The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles - no roles are in web.xml! The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 06-security-api-sessionid - Can JSESSIONID be created on the 1st request and then remain constant?

  • 07-security-api-multiplerequests - If request 'A' sets the principal, can I make requests 'B', 'C', and 'D' and maintain that principal across the requests?

  • 08-security-api-servlet-protected-annotations - Can there be a servlet that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The servlet is protected by @ServletSecurity. The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml. web.xml is essentially empty.

  • 08-security-api-servlet-protected-webxml - Can there be a servlet that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The servlet is protected by in web.xml. The application uses application-specific roles in web.xml. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 09-security-api-jsp-protected-annotations - Can there be a JSP that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The JSP is protected by in web.xml. The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 09-security-api-jsp-protected-webxml - Can there be a JSP that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The JSP is protected by in web.xml. The application uses application-specific roles in web.xml. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 10-security-api-unprotected-to-protected - If the application has a public servlet that attempts to forward to either a protected servlet or JSP, will the forward request be denied?

  • 11-security-api-get-cdi-bean-identitystorehandler - When I get to the important code (the code I write to create the Principal and groups) can I use CDI to get an instance of some object which will help me get the principal and group information?

  • 12-security-api-ejb-integration - If I have an EJB which is protected by @RolesAllowed, will an EJB method call fail if I don't have that role? Will an EJB method call succeed if I do have that role?

  • 13-security-api-wrapping-request-doesnt-work - Does proxying the HttpServletRequest with a @WebFilter work just as well?

  • 14-security-api-jsf-page-protected-webxml - Can there be a JSF page that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The JSF page is protected by <security-constraint> in web.xml. The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 15-security-api-jsf-managedbean-protected-webxml - If my JSF page tries to call a method on a managed bean which it should not have access to, will the method call fail? The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 16-security-api-jsf-ajax-protected-webxml - Can there be a JSF AJAX call that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The JSF AJAX call is protected by <security-constraint> in web.xml. The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 17-security-api-jaxrs-protected-ejb-annotations - Can there be a JAX-RS client call that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The JAX-RS client is protected by @RolesAllowed (without the use of proprietary Jersey code).
    The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 17-security-api-jaxrs-protected-jersey-annotations - Can there be a JAX-RS client call that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The JAX-RS client is protected by @RolesAllowed (without the use of standard EJBs).
    The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 17-security-api-jaxrs-protected-webxml - Can there be a JAX-RS client call that's protected which is accessible only by a certain application-specific role? The JAX-RS client is protected by <security-constraint> in web.xml (without the use of standard EJBs or proprietary Jersey code).
    The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.

  • 18-security-api-contexts-in-each-major-technology - How do you get the Principle from each major technology?

  • 20-security-api-customprincipal-web - Can I create my own custom TestPrincipal object? The ideas is the custom TestPrincipal object can contain more information about the user whose logged in than a normal Principal object. In addition, can the TestPrincipal#toString() method be overloaded to return a JSON representation of the principal data? This way, as features are developed, code doesn't need to typecast and be coupled to the TestPrincipal object. Instead, features can use the JSON representation to build their own object to use internally.

  • 21-security-api-identitystorehandler - Can I create my own IdentityStore, Credential, and Principal and have IdentityStoreHandler validate the request?

  • 22-security-api-multiple-identitystore - Can I create multiple IdentityStore implementations with one implementation responsible for authenticating the user and the other implementations responsible for getting the roles for the user? The application uses application-specific roles in @DeclareRoles. The identity-management groups are mapped to application-specific roles in glassfish-web.xml.
