Question about extruder filament path
ulmeck opened this issue · 1 comments
I noticed in the sketchup files, that if you create a cylinder flush with the hole right above the where the hotend goes, and extrude it towards the filament guide towards the top, it doesn't go straight through the model's filament path. This means that the filament come in through the guide, curves around the motor gear a bit, and then goes down the hole to the extruder at something of an angle. This is on all versions of the extruder back to mid 2014. I checked, and all parts of the extruder model are straight with the x/y axis of sketchup, just the holes are skewed.
Is there a reason for this? I would think that for more flexible filaments, a non-straight filament path would cause some problems, and in fact may have
caused a few problems for me printing with PETG filament (filament winding around the gear is a Bad Thing (tm)).
I've attached a picture of what I mean.