
Latch for a 2-step verification mechanism for Qlik Sense

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a NodeJS authentication module which can be used as a Demo or base code to implement a 2-Steps verification for Qlik Sense with Latch.

This authentication module is based on the Ticketing authentication mechanism for Qlik Sense.

Create a Latch Application at ElevenPaths website


Create an account and then access 'Mis Aplicaciones'. Create a Latch application and then take note of the Application Id and Secret Id for later.

Installation for Qlik Sense Server (within ServiceDispatcher)

  • Powershell v5+ needed
  • Execution Policy configuration: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process

On the server where Qlik Sense Server is installed:

  • Launch PowerShell in Administrator mode (right-click and select Run As Administrator)
  • Create and change directory to an empty directory, i.e. C:\TempLatch
    mkdir \TempLatch; cd \TempLatch
  • Download powershell install script. Enter command exactly as it is (including parentheses):
    (Invoke-WebRequest "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mjromper/latch-qlik-sense/master/setup.ps1" -OutFile setup.ps1)
  • Execute install script:

This will download and execute the setup script.

When the downloading and installation of the modules including their dependencies are finished you will be prompted for some configuration options. Some of them have predefault values that will be taken if you just press enter.

Enter name of user directory [latch]:
<enter a single word, default is 'latch'>

Enter QS hostname []:
<enter your Qlik Sense hostname, just the hostname not the entire URL>

Enter port [4000]:
<port this authentication module runs on, default 4000>

Use secure connection? [Y/n] [n]:

Latch application ID []:
<enter your Latch **latch app Id** value>

Latch client Secret []:
<enter your Latch **latch client_secret** value>

This script will also setup a Virtual Proxy in Qlik Sense for this authentication. The virtual proxy is the one corresponding to the 'user directory'.

When the script had finished just open Qlik Sense through the newly configured Virtual Proxy.

http://(Qlik Sense Hostname)/(user_directory)/hub

Then you'll be redirected to the authentication module

To test just enter this credentials User name: testuser1 Password: letmein

Important Note

Qlik Sense does not perform any type of authentication (user's identity validation), this is always handled by a third system acting as an identity provider. Hence, for the purpose of this sample code, authentication is done against a JSON file located in server/usersDB.json. The developer should change the code of this module to perform any other authentication mechinsm.

If you are happy with the authentication in place and wish to add new users then just modify the file (C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\ServiceDispatcher\Node\Latch-Auth\server\usersDB.json) once you had installed this module.