
A simple tweet frequency counter, in Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojure


A simple Clojure program that outputs the number of tweets published to your timeline by users that you follow. (The output is the number of tweets per user, considered over a period of the last 800 tweets published to your timeline.)

Twitter's statuses/home-timeline resource is used to access tweet data. (Twitter limits the number of tweets that can be obtained using this resource to 800.)


Note: Requires Leiningen 2.

Edit make-oauth-creds in ./src/tweet_freq/core.clj with the the requisite OAuth details (*app-consumer-key*, *app-consumer-secret*, *user-access-token*, *user-access-token-secret*). Note: you will need to create a new Twitter app (or use an existing app). See all of your Twitter apps (or create a new one) at https://dev.twitter.com/apps.

Install dependencies:

$ lein deps

Run tests:

$ lein midje

Run program:

$ lein run

The output will be a table, in the following format:

Username        | Frequency
jeffjarvis      | 84
mathewi         | 42
umairh          | 41
cnnbrk          | 29
Lessien         | 27
JasonHirschhorn | 24
TIME            | 18
FastCompany     | 14
... snip ...


Copyright © 2012 Michael J Russo.

Distributed under the MIT License.