
A simple CORS Proxy for laravel applications

Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Laravel Cors Proxy

A simple CORS Proxy for laravel applications


Add the package to composer.json:

"require": {
	"elfo404/laravel-cors-proxy": "0.1.0"

Or from the command line: composer require elfo404/laravel-cors-proxy

Add Elfo404\LaravelCORSProxy\CORSProxyServiceProvider::class in config\app.php, providers section.

There is no need to add a Facade.

You have now an endpoint for http[s]://example.com/proxy to submit your CORS proxied requests.


Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Elfo404\LaravelCORSProxy\CORSProxyServiceProvider" --tag=config --force to export the default configuration in config/cors-proxy.php:

return [
  • header_name is the default header name conaining the uri you want to proxy. Every request must send this header and specify to which uri the request has to be sent.
  • valid_requests array containing a list od URIs tha can be proxied. this is only for security reason as these endpoints ar publicly accessible.
  • http_proxy and https_proxy are self explanatory, improved doc is coming soon.


  • jQuery example (domainA.com):
  type: "POST",
  beforeSend: function(request) {
    request.setRequestHeader("X-Proxy-To", 'http://domainB.com/api');
  url: "http://domainA.com/proxy",
  data: ...