Aeolus is a batching and optimization framework on top of Apache Storm (see also
Aeolus was originally developed at HP Lab (Palo Alto, CA) in colaboration of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (DBIS Group). This is a re-implementation inspired by the following publications:
- Building a Transparent Batching Layer for Storm (HP Labs Technical Report)
- Performance Optimization for Distributed Intra-Node-Parallel Streaming Systems (SMDB WS at ICDE 2013)
- Aeolus: An Optimizer for Distributed Intra-Node-Parallel Streaming Systems (Demo at ICDE 2013)
Additionally, this framework contains Storm Topologies for benchmarking purpose:
- Linear Road Benchmark
- Linear Road Benachmark web page
- Paper: Linear Road: A Stream Data Management Benchmark (VLDB 2004)
- DEBS Grand Challange (planned)