
Scripts for building packages for the CERT NetSA Security Suite tools

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains scripts to build packages for the CERT NetSA Security Suite tools YAF and SiLK.

Quick build

If you have Docker 1.10.2 or later installed then you can easily generate a .deb or a .rpm package. From the source directory:

  • make build_ubuntu will generate a .deb using a Ubuntu 16.04 container
  • make build_centos will generate a .rpm using a CentOS 6 contianer

The package files will go to the packaging/output/ directory. You should be able to distribute them to other machines with compatible libraries.

Building for your system

In order to build the packages you will need:

Ubuntu systems RHEL systems
autoconf autoconf
automake automake
build-essential gcc
libglib2.0-dev glib2-devel
libpcap-dev libpcap-devel
libsnappy-dev snappy-devel
libtool libtool
libltdl-dev libtool-ltdl-devel
liblzo2-dev lzo-devel
make make
rpm rpm-build
xsltproc libxslt
zlib1g, zlib1g-dev zlib-devel

To build the .deb and .rpm files you will need a working Ruby installation capable of installing the fpm gem.

From the project directory issue these commands:

  • make libfixbuf
  • make yaf
  • make silk
  • make deb or make rpm

Credits and licenses

Contained here are mirrors of the YAF, SiLK, and libfixbuf packages. These packages are governed by the following licenses:

  • YAF: GNU General Public License, version 2
  • SiLK: GNU General Public License, version 2
  • libfixbuf: GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1

The packaging scripts are governed by the Apache License, version 2.0.