Bodybuilding project is an app focused primarily on helping people get in shape in a sustainable and healthy way. Our focus is not to sell you supplements, but to sell you the benefits of hard work, proper nutrition, and consistency.
- Authorization and Authentication
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete of exercises for individual body parts
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete of workout guides composed of the individual exercises
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete 0-5 star reviews of exercises, along with the ability to add comments
- Exercises and Workouts Likeable/Favoritable
- Mappable body which takes you to individual body part exercises
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete health recipes
- React-Redux frontend (Create React App)
- Material-UI for icons
- React-Stars to implement and utilize a rating system for exercises
- React-Bootstrap to implement a navigation bar
- React-Player for embedding YouTube videos
- React-Redux for utilizing the Global Redux Store with React Hooks
- Express backend API
- JWT for authentication
- Sequelize for database manipulation and migration
- Bcryptjs for hashing passwords before storing in the database
- CORS to incorporate Cross Origin Resource Sharing between frontend/backend
- Morgan for logging and debugging
- Express Validator for handling validation errors
- Express Bearer Token for securing server communication
- Moment for formatted dates and times