- 0
R Studio won't run it at all
#44 opened by jennygel13 - 0
RED Flag on ART's use
#43 opened by ephanis - 3
- 3
Publication-ready tables
#42 opened by alibezzaa - 1
How to perform contrast tests with mixed design?
#39 opened by minhengw - 1
No values in "F values of ANOVAs on aligned responses not of interest (should all be ~0):"
#41 opened by Sarang-Jokhio - 2
Rstudio crashes when apply anova(m)
#40 opened by mtsiknia - 10
- 2
How to get rownames from anova()
#38 opened by steveharoz - 2
one error when i used this package
#35 opened by justforlearnso - 2
- 3
- 1
Add DOI for UIST paper
#32 opened by mjskay - 0
CRAN release TODO
#21 opened by mjskay - 3
Warning message
#31 opened by RFlazcano - 0
update CRAN badges
#18 opened by mjskay - 0
Write a vignette for contrasts of levels in one factor conditional on some level of another factor
#8 opened by mjskay - 0
switch to markdown form of roxygen docs
#24 opened by mjskay - 1
- 1
art.con() doesn't work with tibble
#29 opened by chatchavan - 2
art.con: Can't assign to columns that don't exist & Can't use character names to index an unnamed vector.
#27 opened by Constannnnnt - 0
Add references to Elkin preprint
#26 opened by mjskay - 0
dontrun -> donttest in docs
#23 opened by mjskay - 0
Ensure all citation DOIs are up to date
#17 opened by mjskay - 0
#25 opened by mjskay - 1
lsmeans is leaving
#20 opened by rvlenth - 0
Move from lsmeans to emmeans
#16 opened by mjskay - 1
wrong formula for mixed designs?
#19 opened by casparms - 0
Set up pkgdown version of ARTool site
#15 opened by mjskay - 0
- 0
Make vignette internal refs into links
#14 opened by mjskay - 2
Repeated measures ANOVA error term
#13 opened by nuernber - 0
- 0
- 0
Write a vignette on effect sizes
#9 opened by mjskay - 0
Clarify coding of factors in example datasets
#7 opened by mjskay - 2
Issue a warning when numeric variables are passed in formulas (ind. vars, Error terms and grouping terms)
#5 opened by mjskay - 0
Switch to roxygen for documentation
#6 opened by mjskay - 0
#4 opened by mjskay - 0
- 0
- 0