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Telling ecological networks apart by their structure: a computational challenge

This repository contains code and data to replicate and expand upon results published in "Telling ecological networks apart by their structure: a computational challenge" (PLoS Computational Biology, 2019). Want to jump right in? Click here to skip to a quick demo.

In the aformentioned work Stefano Allesina and myself attempted to classify ecological bipartite networks using size- and connectance-independent measures of network structure. While we found that such classification is in principal possible and in practice relatively easy for non-biological data sets, we were unable to achieve similar success with a large collection of ecological network data that has been published over the past hundred years.

Naturally, there are a number of possible explanations for this lack of success, ranging from an unsurpassable level of variation in ecological data to a failure of metric/method selection. Having attempted to solve this ourselves for several years, we now turn to the scientific community writ large—from the computer scientists with the most state-of-the-art techniques to the field ecologists with the most insight into biological relevance—to pick up the gauntlet.

We have sought to clearly enunciate the problem as well as the relevant aspects of a successful solution and provide here a framework for the easy application of new metrics and methods on a database of unprecedented scale and conformity.

Repository Organization

There are four main folders in this repository:

This folder contains the processed data collected thus far organized into the original data files in /Data/edgelists. Subdivided into gross categories, each data file is a plain text, .csv file containing three columns: the first two form an edgelist, each row signifying a link between the node indicated in the first column with the node indicated in the second column. The third column indicates the strength of this link. This will be either a real number (if provided) or 1 in the case of unweighted raw data.

For each empirical data file, we attempted to produce two randomizations. First, we produced a constrained Erdős–Rényi randomized which preserved the number of nodes and links in the original network as well as the fact that the network forms a single connected component. These randomizations are stored in /Data/edgelists_er. Second, we attempted a configuration model randomization of each network, producing a random graph which preserves the degree distribution of the original network, while again confirming a single connected component. Being a more restrictive randomization, we were less successful at successfully generating these graphs, in particular for the movies subcategory. Those we were able to generate are stored in /Data/edgelists_cm.

Finally, we recorded various meta-data for each network collected. These are stored in a master file entitled /Data/Metadata.csv. The name and type columns in this file act as the link between each row of metadata and its corresponding edgelist stored in /Data/edgelist/[type]/[name].csv.

This Folder contains the code required to run the analysis, subdivided into three stages. The first, /Code/Processing, will be unnecessary unless you are adding additional data prior to analysis. The code in this folder was used to generate the randomized versions of each empirical network.

The second, /Code/Analysis contains the code needed to calculate various structural metrics for each of the data files as well as some code for ancillary analyses reported in the associated publication.

We have included all of the metrics we calculated in the /Results folder already, but if you wanted to re-run these calculations or wanted to add new metrics to the list, the key scripts for this are full_analysis_of_one_file.R and run_analysis_over_all_files.R. The latter is a wrapper for the former, running it for each data file in a directory. The former takes in an edgelist file (such as one of the files in the /Data directory) and calculates a number of network-structural metrics, returning a corresponding output file in the /Results directory. This file will consist of a single row table with each column holding the value for a different metric.

Finally, /Code/Plotting contains the code needed to produce the figures presented in the associated publication.

This folder, now empty except for the full_pca_simple_demonstration.pdf, which results from the simple demonstration outlined below, will be the default output folder for figures generated by the plotting scripts mentioned above.

Running the analysis as instructed results in the generation of a one-line .csv result file for each network in the data folder. As mentioned above, this folder is pre-filled with the metrics we calculated for the paper.

A Demonstration

The data files and their randomizations are already provided in the /Data directory. To get a feel for the analysis, we will start with a simple demonstration using the metrics reported in the associated publication.

To start, we will calculate a few structural metrics for each network: the two rightmost (largest real part) eigenvalues (λ₁ and λ₂) and three analytical estimates for these values (a configuration model λ₁, an Erdős–Rényi λ₁, and a Marchenko–Pastur λ₂).

The code run_simple_demonstration_analysis.R performs these calculations and produces an output file entitled SimpleDemo_results.csv in the /Results folder.

Our hope is that these metrics will allow us to partition networks by type, and we can visualize the relative success of this using principal component analysis (PCA). For this, we turn to the code in the /Code/Plotting directory.

The key figure for this can be generated using plot_pca_simple_demonstration.R which will save a new .pdf file into the /Figures folder entitled pca_simple_demonstration.pdf.

Other figures can be generated using the plot_pca_results.R script, which constructs the pca space more generally and then calls the relevant figure-specific code to generate each of the first three figures of the main text, as well as their analogues in the supplementary information. The data and figures associated with the Nestedness/Modularity component of the work can be generated using the nest_mod_comparison.R and pca_only_mod_nest.R scripts, which will be being cleaned and annotated over the coming days.