Project title:


Project description:

This application will provide users with a curated feed of COVID-19-related news and social media content.

User story:

AS A concerned citizen and avid traveller I WANT a list of geographically-relevant news stories and Tweets related to COVID-19 SO THAT I can keep informed and stay safe during this global health crisis

As someone who just came out of a 12 day meditation session in the middle of the desert, I want a quick visual representation of how serious I should be taking the corona situation depending on my location, and the location of others (family, friends, etc)

acceptance critieria!

GIVEN that I am a concerned citizen and want to be an informed citizen WHEN I search a city or country on the app THEN I will have tailored articles and tweets displaying on the page WHEN I refresh the page THEN I will see my recent searches in a side bar, and will be able to toggle between them SO I can stay more informed about the coronavirus in respect to where I am

GIVEN that I am using this site to see how alarmed I am WHen I search a certain area (city, state, country) the hype thermometer will change depending on how many stories are returend When I scroll down THEN I am presented with several stories/tweets, (maybe listed by most relevant WHEN I click on a story THEN I am redirected to the source of the story (goes to CNN or CBC, etc) WHEN I refresh the page THEN my results are still there

Wireframe or sketch of the design:


APIs to be used:

  1. News API (
  2. Twitter (

Rough breakdown of tasks:

  1. Create GitHub repository
  2. Plan project
  3. Assign work
  4. Fine tune web application
  5. Prepare and deliver presentation

Group composition:

  1. Matt Southcott (
  2. Jon Brenan (
  3. Ryan Schock (