
Will generate Sequential Guids based on MongoDB's ObjectId specification. Date & time are encoded into the value so you do not need to store them separately in your database

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Continuous IntegrationNuGetLicense: MIT

Will generate Sequential Guids based on MongoDB's ObjectId specification. Date & time are encoded into the value so you do not need to store them separately in your database

Define an interface to the signature you like

public interface IIdGenerator
    Guid NewId();

Define your implementing class which can be transient since the singleton is implemented by the framework

public class SequentialIdGenerator : IIdGenerator
    public Guid NewId() => SequentialGuidGenerator.Instance.NewGuid();

Wire it up to .NET Core dependency injection in the ConfigureServices method during application startup

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IIdGenerator, SequentialIdGenerator>();

Finally define a base entity for your application which will contain an id and a timestamp as soon as you initialize it. Note I do not advocate setting a default Id getter this way just illustrating it can be done

public abstract class BaseEntity
    public Guid Id { get; set; } = SequentialGuidGenerator.Instance.NewGuid();
    public DateTime? Timestamp => Id.ToDateTime();
    // If you really must have non-UTC time
    public DateTime? LocalTime => Id.ToDateTime()?.ToLocalTime();