
Analyzing Meta Data (HFEvsLFE) using FisherExactTest

Primary LanguagePython


Analyzing Meta Data (HFEvsLFE) using FisherExactTest Programs Mines All Significant Multi-Dimensional Adjusted Results and performs a Fisher Exact Test on the Feed Efficiency Status of the Sampels (HFE vs LFE) for all the Significant ASE samples for a variant.

After implementing the Fisher Exact Test, p-values are adjusted using the Benjamini-Hochberg method. Program then annotates all the results with variant effects based on output from VEP (applied to testable variants and non-testable).


  1. Testable_VEP_Results.txt
    -All the annotated data from VEP

  2. sig_multi_dim_adj_results.txt
    -All the significant multi-dimensional adjusted results for a specific tissue

  3. Meta Input File
    -Meta Data File about the chicken samples (tells which samples are HFE vs LFE)


  1. Project Name
    -Tells program how to parse the meta data file to identify the correct samples

  2. Tissue
    -Tells program how to parse the meta data file to identify the correct samples

  3. Sample Minimum
    -Minimum number of samples to considered when implementing the Fisher Exact Test


  1. fisher_exact_test_results.txt
    -Testable variants for Fisher Exact Test with corresponding p-values

  2. non_testable_sig_ase_results.txt
    -Non-testable variants for the Fisher Exact Test -Fail due to minimal sample number required or resulting p-value is NaN

  3. Final_Annot_Results_Fisher_Exact_Test.txt (FINAL FILE OF INTEREST)
    -Final testable variants with corresponding Fisher Exact Test p-values along with adjusted p-values (Benjamini Hochberg) and corresponding variant effect information from VEP

  4. ANNOT_non_testable_sig_ase_results.txt
    -Non-testable variants annotated with corresponding variant effect information