
The collaborative 30-Day Map Challenge entries from the MUSA program

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The collaborative 30-Day Map Challenge entries from the MUSA program:

The idea is to create maps based around different themes each day of November using the hashtag #30DayMapChallenge. You can prepare the maps beforehand, but the main idea is to publish maps on the dedicated days.

At the end of the month, we'll have prizes for the best map, and for the participant who completed the most maps!

Find some good tips from previous participant Wanmei Liang.

Participation Instructions

  1. Create a map!

    Refer to the daily map categories below.

  2. Fork this repository

  3. Create a "thumbnail" image from your map

    Your thumbnail should go in the assets/thumbnails folder, and should be a .png, .jpg, .gif, or .webp file. It should include the 2-digit day of your map, and your name in the title. For example, if I were submitting a map for November 2, I might create a file named assets/thumbnails/02-mjumbe-poe.gif.

    Note that if your image is larger than 300x300, it will be scaled down, and if it is not a square, then only the middle part of the image will be visible (i.e. if it's a tall image, the top and bottom will be cropped; if it's a wide image, the left and rght will be cropped). I recommend creating an image around 600 pixels on each side.

    This image will be shown in a gallery of all the maps we create for 30 Day Map Challenge. It's going to be square, and about 300 pixels on each side. Your map doesn't have to be a square -- it's just this image that going to be shown in the gallery that will be square. SO, if there's some particular part of your map that you want to showcase in the gallery, make sure to screenshot that part and use it as the thumbnail.

  4. Create a new entry in the _maps folder

    Your file name should include the 2-digit day that your map is for, and your name. For example, if I were submitting a map for November 7, I would create a file named _maps/07-mjumbe-poe.md. Use the _maps/00-template.md as a template for your own entry -- i.e., copy that file and name it appropriately. Be sure to make a copy of the template file, and not just rename the original.

    In your Markdown, you should fill out all of the fields at the top of the file. Update the thumbnail value to point to your thumbnail image, and update the source value to point to the source code that you used to generate your map. Ideally this is another Github repository where you've uploaded your source.

  5. Open a pull request

    In the PR title, please include your name and the challenge day. Feel free to submit your pull request early; we'll merge it in on the appropriate day.

Daily Map Categories

30-Day Map Challenge official categories

Day Theme Details
1 Points A map with points
2 Lines A map with lines
3 Polygons A map with polygons
4 A bad map Let's get this over with
5 Analog Map Non-digital maps
6 Asia Largest of the continents
7 Navigation A map that helps you to navigate
8 Africa Second-largest and second-most populous continent
9 Hexagons 6 sides, 6 angles, and 6 vertices
10 North America Northern part of the American continent
11 Retro A blast from the past
12 South America Southern part of the American continent
13 Choropleth Classic thematic map: a choropleth
14 Europe The westernmost peninsulas of Eurasia
15 OpenStreetMap The greatest of the datasets. Remember to give credit.
16 Oceania Region made up of thousands of islands throughout the Central and South Pacific
17 Flow Flow of transport, people
18 Atmosphere Conditions of the atmosphere can be either weather or climate
19 5-minute map Spend no more than 5 minutes to prepare this map
20 Outdoors Map of mountains, trails, or something completely different
21 Raster Pixels, please
22 North is not always up ⬆️
23 3D The third dimension
24 Black & white Only two colors allowed
25 Antarctica A cold continent that can't be reached with Web Mercator
26 Minimal Less is more
27 Dot Dot density, a single dot in space or something different
28 Is this a chart or a map? In thematic maps, you can't always tell. Try to stretch the limits
29 Population A classic theme for a map
30 "My favorite.." You choose!