
An invoicing application built with Django and Stripe

Primary LanguagePython


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Set STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY in your environment. You can find your keys at https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys. If you're developing locally, you can create an .env file in the root folder. This file should have key-value pairs on different lines, e.g. STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY=pk_test_1234567890. You should probably set DEBUG=True while developing locally as well.
  3. Set up the database with src/manage.py migrate.
  4. Create an admin user with src/manage.py createsuperuser.
  5. Start the server with src/manage.py runserver.
  6. Create your first invoice at http://localhost:8000/admin/payable/invoice/add/.
  7. Edit src/templates/invoice.html and src/static/styles/invoice.css until your invoice looks acceptable.
  8. Deploy your app to Heroku or your favorite hosting platform.